React Editor like Umeditor
npm install react-umeditor --save
var React = require('react');
var Editor = require('react-umeditor');
class App extends React.Component {
this.state = {
content: ""
content: content
var icons = [
"source | undo redo | bold italic underline strikethrough fontborder emphasis | ",
"paragraph fontfamily fontsize | superscript subscript | ",
"forecolor backcolor | removeformat | insertorderedlist insertunorderedlist | selectall | ",
"cleardoc | indent outdent | justifyleft justifycenter justifyright | touppercase tolowercase | ",
"horizontal date time | image emotion spechars | inserttable"
return icons;
return {
"image": {
"uploader": {
"url": "/api/upload"
var icons = this.getIcons();
var plugins = this.getPlugins();
return (<Editor ref="editor"
value={this.state.content} defaultValue="<p>React Umeditor</p>"
plugins={plugins} />)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Editor Demo</title>
<!-- mathquill & umeditor stylesheet & if you have the formula icon -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../dist/third-part/mathquill/mathquill.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="app.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="react-container"></div>
<!-- jquery & mathquill javascript & if you have the formula icon -->
<script src="../../dist/third-part/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../dist/third-part/mathquill/mathquill.js"></script>
<!-- your react script -->
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
You can
! The xxx
maybe is as follows:
- findDOMNode: find refs by ref name
- setContent: set html of editor
- getContent: get html of editor
- focusEditor: focus the editor
You can set the props
!The props
maybe is as follows:
- onFocus: the focus event
- onChange: the text change event
{ content: string }
- defaultValue: default value of editor
- value: value of editor
- icons: icons of toolbar
- plugins: settings of plugins
- toolbar: settings of toolbar
- icons: custom icons
- name: name of icon
- title: title of icon
- onIconClick: handle event
- mapRangeState: filter rangeState
- props: props of icon & component
- component: custom component, eg. dialog
- icons: custom icons
- image: settings of image dialog
- uploader: settings of image uploader
- name: form name of xhr
- url: url of server
- data: other formData of xhr
- filter: filter json style body
- customUploader: custom file uploader(see FileUploader)
- uploader: settings of image uploader
- toolbar: settings of toolbar
Support icons, As fllow:
source undo redo bold italic underline strikethrough fontborder emphasis
paragraph fontfamily fontsize superscript subscript
forecolor backcolor removeformat insertorderedlist insertunorderedlist selectall
cleardoc indent outdent justifyleft justifycenter justifyright touppercase tolowercase
horizontal date time image emotion spechars inserttable formula
// clone code
git clone
cd react-umeditor
// install require
npm install
// build
npm run build
// run example server
cd example
npm run example
- 1. Custom Image Uploader Props
- 2. Custom Toolbar Icon
- 3. ES6 Style
- 4. React16
- 5. Tests (Toolbar & Example & New Feature)
- 6. Docs ( & Docs & Example Docs)
Changes and improvements are more than welcome! Feel free to fork and open a pull request. Please make your changes in a specific branch and request to pull into master! If you can, please make sure the editor fully works before sending the PR, as that will help speed up the process.
See more document
Email: [email protected]
QQ Group: 247978846