OpenHayStack Arduino sketch
This sketch is based upon OpenHayStack main.c Firmware code for ESP32.
- Open .ino in Arduino IDE
- EDIT actual adv key on line 27 with your key. Follow padding as shown on example (0x05)
Is it possibile to get a key creating a new accessory in OHS app e copy its advertising key. To generate a .key file with correct padding it'd useful what's on script on OHS main project.
echo "$PUBKEY" | python3 -m base64 -d - > "$KEYFILE" where PUBKEY is your adv_key and KEYFILE is your tmp.key blank file.
- Blinking RED LED (1sec on, 10 sec off)
- LCD initialization with some text printed.
- Battery icon
- M5 button for lcd on/off
- Right button for some infos
- BT Paring