This repository contains all the source code required to program and interact with a bladeRF platform, including firmware for the Cypress FX3 USB controller, HDL for the Altera Cyclone IV FPGA, and C code for the host side libraries, drivers, and utilities. The source is organized as follows:
Directory | Description |
firmware_common | Source and header files common between firmware and host software |
fx3_firmware | Firmware for the Cypress FX3 USB controller |
hdl | All HDL code associated with the Cyclone IV FPGA |
host | Host-side libraries, drivers, utilities and samples |
- Clone this repository via:
git clone
- Fetch the latest pre-built bladeRF FPGA image. See the in the hdl directory for more information.
- Fetch the latest pre-built bladeRF firmware image. See the in the fx3_firmware directory for more information.
- Follow the instructions in the host directory to build and install libbladeRF and the bladeRF-cli utility.
- Attach the bladeRF board to your fastest USB port. After flashing firmware, be sure to press the reset button or unplug/replug the device.
- If you haven't upgraded your firmware, run
bladeRF-flash -f <path_to_prebuilt_firmware>
. This upgrade is required to utilize libusb support. Be sure to reset or power-cycle the board after flashing the firmware.
- If your board is stuck in the FX3 bootloader or is at factory firmware or v1.2, see bladeRF-flash for additional details.
- You should now be able to see your device in the list output via
bladeRF-cli -p
- See the overview of the bladeRF-cli for more information about loading the FPGA and using the command line interface tool
Coming Soon: Quick Start information for GNU Radio support via gr-osmosdr
In the meantime, see the Building GNURADIO from GIT section of kb3gtn's bladeRF setup guide for information on this.