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  • Command line usage:
    • [-v/-b] [source_dir] <[targer_dir]>
    • -v: full Verilog module output
    • -b: bin output (not yet implemented)
  • Empty lines are allowed
  • immediate must be a valid Python integer literal or expression. Note that immediate must not contain any white space characters even if you put an expression!
  • immediate will be ealuated with eval() without safety checking of any sort, so please don't write anything weird here :>
    • One trick is to write LINE_NUMBER at immediate field to get the current line number~
  • Comments (starting with '//') can be put on an empty line or after a valid instruction
  • Don't use register 31 because it is reserved for the assembler for pseudo-instructions!

Architecture Description

The NECPU is a 32-bit general purpose register architecture processor with the specifications below. Registers $rs, $rt, and $rd are placeholders for actual general purpose registers $0, $1, $2, ..., $31, each holding a 32-bit value. immediate refers to an immediate value (constant) and label refers to label in the instruction corresponding to a specific line in the code. All immediates are given as 16-bit unsigned values. Whenever an immediate is used as an operand with a register as the other operand, the immediate is zero-extended to 32-bit before computation. All labels will be converted into actual addresses using direct addressing mode.

NECPU can accomodate up to 4294967296 (2^32) addressable memory where each memory location holds 4 bytes (32 bits). NECPU is word (4 bytes) addressable. (It is not byte addressable!)

Every instruction of NECPU takes exactly one clock cycle to complete. Hence, the time taken of a code snippet can easily be calculated.

Instruction Set

We will use the following convension to simplify our description:

  • Given a register $r, the content of the register $r is given as R[$r].
  • Given a memory location addr, the content at the memory location addr is M[addr].
  • PC is the program counter which is a special register that holds the address of the instruction currently being executed.
Instruction Format Name Operation
NOP No-Op Do nothing
LW $rd, $rs, immediate Load Word R[$rd] = M[R[$rs] + immediate]
SW $rd, $rs, immediate Store Word M[R[$rs] + immediate] = R[$rd]
LLI $rd, immediate Load Lower Immediate R[$rd][15:0] = immediate
LUI $rd, immediate Load Upper Immediate R[$rd][31:16] = immediate
SLT $rd, $rs, $rt Set Less Than R[$rd] = R[$rs] < R[$rt]
SEQ $rd, $rs, $rt Set Equal R[$rd] = R[$rs] == R[$rt]
BEQ $rd, immediate Branch On Equal PC = PC + (R[$rd] == immediate ? 2 : 1)
BNE $rd, immediate Branch On Not Equal PC = PC + (R[$rd] != immediate ? 2 : 1)
ADD $rd, $rs, $rt Add R[$rd] = R[$rs] + R[$rt]
ADDi $rd, $rs, immediate Add immediate R[$rd] = R[$rs] + immediate
SUB $rd, $rs, $rt Subtract R[$rd] = R[$rs] - R[$rt]
SUBi $rd, $rs, immediate Subtract Immediate R[$rd] = R[$rs] - immediate
SLL $rd, $rs, $rt Shift Left Logical R[$rd] = R[$rs] << R[$rt]
SRL $rd, $rs, $rt Shift Right Logical R[$rd] = R[$rs] >> R[$rt]
AND $rd, $rs, $rt And R[$rd] = R[$rs] & R[$rt]
ANDi $rd, $rs, immediate And Immediate R[$rd] = R[$rs] & immediate
OR $rd, $rs, $rt Or R[$rd] = R[$rs]
ORi $rd, $rs, immediate Or Immediate R[$rd] = R[$rs]
INV $rd, $rs Invert R[$rd] = ~ R[$rs]
XOR $rd, $rs, $rt Xor R[$rd] = R[$rs] ^ R[$rt]
XORi $rd, $rs, immediate Xor Immediate R[$rd] = R[$rs] ^ immediate
JMP $rd Unconditional Jump PC = R[$rd]

Instruction Encoding

Instruction Encoding

  • Type A
    • SLT
    • SEQ
    • ADD
    • SUB
    • SLL
    • SRL
    • AND
    • OR
    • INV ($rt ignored)
    • XOR
  • Type B
    • LW
    • SW
    • LLI ($rs ignored)
    • LUI ($rs ignored)
    • BEQ ($rs ignored)
    • BNE ($rs ignored)
    • ADDi
    • SUBi
    • ANDi
    • ORi
    • XORi
    • JMP (can also put under type A since only $rd is used)

Note that the BEQ and BNE instructions of NECPU differ from those of MIPS:

  • NECPU's BEQ and BNE instructions compare a register's value with an immediate, while MIPS compares the values of two registers.
  • NECPU's BEQ and BNE instructions can only skip the next one instruction if the condition is satisfied.


  • JUMP (unstable)
    • JUMP [label]
    • JUMP instruction complements the native JMP instruction by accepting a label instead of a raw memory address. It simplifies the programming experience.
    • To create a label, put [label]: before the instruction you want to jump to. The label can be any valid string.
    • JUMP pseudo-instruction now supports jumping forward and backward!
    • A JUMP pseudo-instruction is translated to the following 3 instructions:
      • LUI $31 [Upper half of label's address]
      • LLI $31 [Lower half of label's address]
      • JMP $31
    • Note that when a JUMP pseudo-instruction is placed right after a branch instruction, the first two LI instructions will be put before the branch instruction so that the branch instruction can choose whether to skip the JMP instruction or not.
  • LWI - Load Word Immediate
    • LWI $rd, immediate
    • LWI basically combines LLI and LUI
    • immediate here is a 32-bit constant value (zero-extended)


  • Implement .data directive to support preloading data into the ROM.
    • Support loading external files into ROM (in the format of bin or bmp)
  • LA (Load Address) pseudo-instruction to load the address of variable defined in the .data section


The disassembler is for the purpose of debugging only.


  • Command line usage:
    • [verilog_instruction_rom_file_dir]
    • The disassembled file disasmout.asm will be created in the current directory


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