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Parts List

Michael J. Kidd edited this page Nov 2, 2024 · 15 revisions

Parts List:

Computer oriented parts:

  1. An existing WiFi network in your RV!
    • This part is critical. The devices used for this project talk over WiFi. This could be an always-on Hotspot from a Cellular Carrier or anything more elaborate.
    • This CAN NOT be campground WiFi. You must use a separate network internal to your RV for this to work properly.
  2. A current monitor system capable of measuring up to 50 amps, split phase. This device allows for monitoring of the RV's power usage.
    There are two supported options at this time, both work very well but availability may dictate one vs the other.
  3. OpenEVSE Advanced Charging Station
    • You must have the 'Advanced' version so that it has integrated WiFi.
    • Beyond that, feel free to choose whichever option you're most comfortable with, from fully assembled, to just a kit ready for you to put together on your own.
    • Could you do this with a different device? Yes, but it requires a lot more work and isn't nearly as flexible. We've selected this EVSE ( Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment ) as a best of breed for this project.
  4. A Raspberry Pi
    • Raspberry Pi Zero W Starter Kit
    • Raspberry Pi 4 Starter Kit
      • The Pi 4 has plenty of power for basic functionality as well as local logging via EmonCMS. Note that installation and configuration of EmonCMS is well documented via this link.
    • Technically, any computer that you want to keep on all the time, that can run an MQTT server and NodeRED will work just fine. And if you knew what those services were before clicking their respective links, you can likely skip the Raspberry Pi and use whatever computer you like.

Power related parts:

  1. The OpenEVSE unit ( mentioned in the computer parts section above -- but it handles power, so mentioning it here too )
  2. A way to safely split 50 amp power:
    • Option 1: The non-stealth, easy way:
    • Option 2: The Stealth, but more complex way:
      • Caution: Here be dragons!
        This type of wiring should only be performed by someone who's comfortable with handling high current electrical circuits. If the most complex electrical thing you've done is replace a light bulb, you should stick with Option 1 or hire someone to do this part of the install.
      • A Load center for splitting power
      • 2 x 50 amp double pole breakers
      • Miscellaneous Wire, Clamp connectors, Strain relief and a NEMA 14-50 Receptacle, Box and way to make it water-tight(ish).