Implementations of basic RL algorithms with minimal lines of codes! (PyTorch based)
Each algorithm is complete within a single file.
Length of each file is up to 100~150 lines of codes.
Every algorithm can be trained within 30 seconds, even without GPU.
Envs are fixed to "CartPole-v1". You can just focus on the implementations.
- PyTorch
- OpenAI GYM
- conda install -c conda-forge gym-all
- lz4
- pip install lz4
- nvidia-ml-py3
- pip install nvidia-ml-py3
- 기존의 히스토리 삭제 $ rm -rf .git
- 파일정리 후 새로운 git 설정 $ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m "first commit"
- git 저장소 연결 후 강제 push $ git remote add origin {git remote url} $ git push -u --force origin master