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shedaniel edited this page Oct 4, 2022 · 25 revisions

Use if you can, it is way better

General Commands

  • /help » Display the link to this page.
  • /about » Display the link to the source and invite link.

Misc Commands

  • /fabric » Display Fabric versions
  • /forge » Display Forge / MCP versions
  • /architectury » Display Architectury versions
  • /ftbdrama » FTB Drama Generator
  • /fabricdrama » Fabric Drama Generator
  • /google » Creates a Let Me Google That link

Mappings Commands

Mappings Structure

Query Mappings

  • /yarn » Query Yarn Mappings
  • /mcp » Query MCP Mappings
  • /mmi » Query Mojang (Via Intermediary) Mappings
  • /mms » Query Mojang (Via SRG / MCP) Mappings
  • /qm » Query Quilt Mappings
  • /qh » Query Mojang (Via Quilt Hashed) Mappings

Translate Mappings


  • y (Yarn)
  • mm (Mojang Mappings)
  • mms (Mojang Mappings Srg)
  • mcp (MCP)

All Types: !sourcetarget

  • Example: /ymm -> Yarn to Mojang Mappings
  • /mcpmm -> MCP to Mojang
Detailed List of Mappings Commands

Query commands are structured to allow wildcards and class filters.

To find all fields in a class, you can do:

!<command> ClassName.*
  • /mapping all » Query Mappings from any namespaces
  • /mapping class » Query Classes from any namespaces
  • /mapping method » Query Methods from any namespaces
  • /mapping field » Query Fields from any namespaces
Yarn -> MCP
  • /ymcp » Translate Yarn Mappings to MCP
MCP -> Yarn
  • /mcpy » Translate MCP Mappings to Yarn
Yarn -> Mojang
  • /ymm » Translate Yarn Mappings to Mojang
Mojang -> Yarn
  • /mmy » Translate Mojang Mappings to Yarn
MCP -> Mojang
  • /mcpmm » Translate MCP Mappings to Mojang
Mojang -> MCP
  • /mmmcp » Translate Mojang Mappings to MCP

Server Rules

More info at


  • /evaluate » Eval script
  • /trick » Tricks