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Releases: linebender/bevy_vello


26 Feb 18:08
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0.7.0 - 2025-02-27

This release supports Bevy version 0.15 and has an MSRV of 1.85.


  • Added VelloView marker component used for identifying cameras rendering vello content.
  • Added VelloEntityCountDiagnosticsPlugin which can be used to provide vello entity type data at runtime. See the diagnostics example.
  • Added VelloFrameProfileDiagnosticsPlugin which can be used to provide vello frame profile data at runtime. See the diagnostics example.


  • bevy_vello now uses Bevy 0.15
  • Camera2d now requires a VelloView marker for rendering.
  • VelloAsset assets have been separated into VelloSvg and VelloLottie
  • VelloAssetBundle has been separated into VelloSvgBundle and VelloLottieBundle
  • Handle<VelloAsset> has been separated into VelloSvgHandle and VelloLottieHandle
  • VelloAssetAnchor has been separated into VelloSvgAnchor and VelloLottieAnchor
  • The license on bevy_vello no longer includes OFL 1.1
  • The experimental-dotLottie feature was removed and merged into the lottie feature.
  • DotLottiePlayer was renamed to LottiePlayer.
  • All render types (VelloSvgHandle, VelloLottieHandle, VelloScene, and VelloTextSection) now have required components as an alternative to their bundle counterparts.


  • Removed DebugVisualizations. Now you should use BorderColor for UI Nodes and Gizmos for world assets. Several examples show this capability, such as the svg and svg_ui examples.
  • Removed CoordinateSpace. If you wish to render scene or asset UI, insert a Node component. For more information, see the scene_ui, svg_ui, or lottie_ui examples.
  • VelloText (with CoordinateSpace::ScreenSpace) can no longer render text in screen space. You should be using bevy's native Text for UI text, which is more feature rich and widely used.


  • We no longer bundle the default font twice when the default_font feature is active.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0


14 Aug 14:33
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0.6.1 - 2024-08-14

This release supports Bevy version 0.14 and has an MSRV of 1.80.


  • Text is now properly skipped when a SkipEncoding component is present. (#77 by @simbleau)


09 Aug 19:21
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0.6.0 - 2024-08-09

This release supports Bevy version 0.14 and has an MSRV of 1.80.


  • There is now a default_font feature that uses the same FiraMono-subset.ttf font used in the bevy/default_font feature.
  • There is now a render_layers example.
  • There is now a cube_3d example.
  • You may now choose the render layers for the Vello canvas. This can be configured through the VelloPlugin.
  • You may now choose to use CPU rendering with Vello and configure anti-aliasing. This can be configured through the VelloPlugin.
  • Added the SkipEncoding component, which allows you to skip encoding any renderable asset without removing the asset.


  • VelloPlugin now has configuration. To retain previous behavior, use VelloPlugin::default().
  • VelloRenderer is now a resource.
  • The VelloRenderer will attempt CPU fallback if it cannot obtain a GPU.
  • The font API has changed significantly. Please visit examples/text for further usage. This is to prepare for additional text features such as linebreak behavior, bounded text, and text justification.
    • VelloText has been renamed to VelloTextSection.
    • VelloText.content has been renamed to VelloText.value.
    • There is now a VelloTextStyle struct and it is a required field of VelloText.
    • VelloFont has been removed from VelloTextBundle and moved into VelloTextStyle.
  • The field VelloAssetBundle.vector was renamed to VelloAssetBundle.asset.
  • Renamed VelloAssetAlignment to VelloAssetAnchor. Fields were renamed alignment were renamed to asset_anchor.
  • Renamed VelloTextAlignment to VelloTextAnchor. Fields were renamed alignment were renamed to text_anchor.
  • The SSRenderTarget (fullscreen quad that renders your frame) no longer renders at a zepth of -0.001. This was a legacy hack used to ensure Gizmos rendered on-top. RenderLayers should be used now (there's an example).


  • Removed ZFunctions from the render pipeline. Now ordering is based solely on the Transform's z component. If you dependeded on this behavior, you'll need to adjust the transform Z in a system prior to render.
  • VelloRenderPlugin is now private, as it is not helpful for downstream developers to add manually.
  • Removed VelloCanvasMaterial from prelude, as it is not typical to use.


  • Text, assets, and scenes rendered will now correctly respect camera RenderLayers.


16 Jul 21:24
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  • Updated to patch vello 0.2.1. It is now no-longer possible to panic when the vello encodings are empty.
  • The demo CI now deploys that bevy_pancam has been updated to bevy 0.14

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1


06 Jul 17:40
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  • New scene_ui example demonstrating a VelloScene attached to a bevy::ui::Node.


  • Updated to bevy 0.14
  • Updated to vello 0.2
  • Updated to velato 0.3
  • Updated to vello_svg 0.3


  • Removed Arc in another Arc for VelloFont
  • Opacity now correctly applies to SVG assets.
  • Opacity now applies correctly to the lottie image group, rather than each element and path within it, causing overdraw.
  • VelloScene components on bevy::ui::Node entities now account for Bevy's UI layout systems and render at the expected viewport coordinates


  • Pancam and/or egui from all examples besides the demo, as external dependencies can bottleneck upgrading to the next bevy version.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.5.0


26 May 18:47
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  • Updated to vello_svg v0.2.0, fixing viewboxes.
  • Updates to velato v0.2.0, fixing viewboxes.

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.2

v0.4.1 (Yanked)

26 May 16:07
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0.4.1 (Yanked)


22 May 03:23
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  • New svg example
  • New lottie example


  • The GitHub repo has migrated into the linebender org:
    • You may need to update your git ref from loopystudios to linebender
  • SVG and Lottie features are now feature-gated
    • SVG (.svg) support is now added through a cargo feature svg.
    • Lottie (.json) support is now added through the cargo feature lottie.
    • experimental dotLottie features (LottiePlayer, PlayerTransition, PlayerState) are now feature-gated through the cargo feature experimental-dotLottie. This is only partial support, and a work in progress.
    • Theme is now activated through the lottie feature, as it was only possible to style runtime lotties.
    • VelloAsset.metadata() is no longer available, as it is specific to Lottie. There is now a trait, LottieExt that can be imported to call .metadata() on a Composition instead. This is no longer fallible as a result.
  • PlaybackAlphaOverride was removed in favor of an alpha field on VelloAsset.
  • LottiePlayer was renamed to DotLottiePlayer.
  • Paths to several locations have changed, e.g. bevy_vello::assets -> bevy_vello::integrations


  • A slow startup delay for lottie assets to begin rendering
  • A dotLottie issue where the first frame can jump on web platforms.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0


02 May 01:31
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0.3.0 (2024-05-01)


  • VelloAssetAlignment was added to the VelloAssetBundle.


  • VectorFile enum variants were flattened into tuple structs.


  • bevy_vello::VelloPlugin was removed from the prelude.

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0


18 Apr 03:10
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0.2.0 (2024-04-17)


  • Added the VelloTextAlignment component to VelloTextBundle, which now helps control the alignment of text.


  • Text bounding boxes are now tighter as they are capped by the baseline.

Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.2.0