This package provides fit-for-purpose functions for calculating and presenting the results from the Model Disability Survey, as used by the World Health Organization.
The Model Disability Survey (MDS) is a World Health Organization (WHO) general population survey instrument to assess the distribution of disability within a country or region, grounded in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. For more information, please go to
You can install the release version of the package from CRAN with:
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("lindsayevanslee/whomds", build_vignettes = TRUE)
A Rasch model can be used with the function rasch_mds()
, like so:
start <- rasch_mds(
df = df_adults,
vars_metric = paste0("EF", 1:12),
vars_id = "HHID",
vars_DIF = c("sex", "age_cat"),
resp_opts = 1:5,
max_NA = 2,
print_results = TRUE,
path_parent = "/Users/lindsaylee/Desktop/",
model_name = "Start",
testlet_strategy = NULL,
recode_strategy = NULL,
drop_vars = NULL,
split_strategy = NULL,
comment = "Initial run"
An extensive guide on using the package is available from a series of vignettes, in both English and Spanish. You can browse the vignettes by using:
Please contact the package maintainer with any questions or comments, or submit an issue.