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Agile insights helm chart

This chart includes the templates for deploying the agile insights system, which is composed of:

  • dashboard (a webapp)
  • mongodb (a document store)
  • dataCollection (two cronjobs)

Main Components


A Python Dash application which presents agile metrics stored in mongodb. This is deployed as a Deployment


The backing database for the dashboard. Configuration options are described in detail here.


Two ETLs which are deployed as Cronjobs. They fetch and transform data from an issue tracking tool (currently only Jira is supported) and store the transformed data in mongodb.

Other Resources

Jira Config

The config subsection is deployed as a ConfigMap which is mounted as a json file into both the dataCollection Cronjobs and the dashboard Pods. It should follow the same format as provided in this example.


This chart requires that existingSecrets are created separately to this chart for:

  • jira.credentials
  • mongodb.auth

In the case of mongodb this helps prevent you from a situation that arises when you allow mongodb to auto-generate it's secret. In this scenario, if you ever need to re-release the mongodb chart, whilst keeping the existing PersistentVolumeClaim (underlying data), The mongodb Deployment will use a newly generated secrets, but the data volume will continue using the previously generated secrets. You essentially get locked out of your own data if you're not careful.

Value name Description Default
dashboard.replicaCount Number of dashboard pods 1
dashboard.image.repository Dashboard image repository sprints-dashboard
dashboard.image.pullPolicy Dashboard image pullPolicy IfNotPresent
dashboard.image.tag Dashboard image tag local
dashboard.imagePullSecrets Dashboard image pull secrets []
dashboard.podSecurityContext Dashboard pod security context {}
dashboard.SecurityContext Dashboard container security context {}
dashboard.service.type Dashboard service type ClusterIP
dashboard.service.annotations Dashboard service annotations []
dashboard.service.port Port that the dashboard service is reachable on 80
dashboard.service.targetPort Port that the dashboard container exposes 8000
dashboard.ingress.enabled Whether to enable an ingress resource or not false
dashboard.ingress.hosts if enabled, the default hosts path / on localhost
dashboard.ingress.annotations Dashboard ingress annotations []
dashboard.ingress.tls if enabled, the default tls config []
dashboard.resources Dashboard resource requests and limits {}
dashboard.nodeSelector Dashboard node selector {}
dashboard.tolerations Dashboard taint tolerations []
dashboard.affinity Dashboard pod affinity {}
jira.config Jira config file as described here {}
jira.credentials.existingSecret An existing jira secret containing credentials *required {}
dataCollection.enabled Whether to deploy the data collection Cronjobs or not false
dataCollection.image.repository Dashboard image repository sprints-dashboard
dataCollection.image.pullPolicy Dashboard image pullPolicy IfNotPresent
dataCollection.image.tag Dashboard image tag local

MongoDB Values

Value name Description Default
mongodb.architecture mongodb architecture standalone
mongodb.useStatefulSet Whether or not to persist the mongodb data true
mongodb.initContainers mongodb initialisation containers []
mongodb.auth.existingSecret mongodb exitsing secret see []