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debug-packaged #2140

Workflow file for this run

# Uncommment this to replace the rest of the file when you want to debug stuff in CI
name: Run Debug
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
with: { fetch-depth: 1 }
- run: ./mill 'integration.feature[{full-run-logs,subprocess-stdout}].packaged.server.test'
# We run full CI on push builds to main and on all pull requests
# To maximize bug-catching changes while keeping CI times reasonable, we run
# all tests on Linux, scattered between Java 11/17, except for one job run
# on MacOS instead and a subset of jobs also run on windows
#name: Run Tests
# push:
# branches-ignore:
# - '**-patch-**'
# pull_request:
# types:
# - opened
# - reopened
# - synchronize
# - ready_for_review
# workflow_dispatch:
## cancel older runs of a pull request;
## this will not cancel anything for normal git pushes
# # * For runs on other repos, always use the `ref_name` so each branch only can have one concurrent run
# # * For runs on `com-lihaoyi/mill`, use `head_ref` to allow one concurrent run per PR, but `run_id` to
# # allow multiple concurrent runs in master
# group: cancel-old-pr-runs-${{ github.workflow }}-${{ (github.repository != 'com-lihaoyi/mill' && github.ref_name) || (github.head_ref || github.run_id) }}
# cancel-in-progress: true
# # Jobs are listed in rough order of priority: if multiple jobs fail, the first job
# # in the list should be the one that's most worth looking into
# build-linux:
# if: (github.event.action == 'ready_for_review') || (github.event.pull_request.draft == false)
# uses: ./.github/workflows/pre-build.yml
# with:
# os: ubuntu-latest
# shell: bash
# build-windows:
# if: (github.event.action == 'ready_for_review') || (github.event.pull_request.draft == false)
# uses: ./.github/workflows/pre-build.yml
# with:
# os: windows-latest
# shell: powershell
# test-docs:
# if: (github.event.action == 'ready_for_review') || (github.event.pull_request.draft == false)
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with: { fetch-depth: 1 }
# - run: ./mill -i website.fastPages + website.checkBrokenLinks
# cross-plat:
# if: (github.event.action == 'ready_for_review') || (github.event.pull_request.draft == false)
# runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# # Run these with Mill native launcher as a smoketest
# include:
# - os: ubuntu-24.04-arm
# millargs: "'example.thirdparty[fansi].native.server.test'"
# java-version: 17
# - os: macos-latest
# millargs: "'example.thirdparty[acyclic].native.server.test'"
# java-version: 11
# - os: macos-13
# millargs: "'example.thirdparty[jimfs].native.server.test'"
# java-version: 11
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with: { fetch-depth: 1 }
# - uses: ./.github/actions/pre-build-setup
# with:
# os: ${{ matrix.os }}
# java-version: ${{ }}
# shell: bash
# - uses: ./.github/actions/post-build-setup
# with:
# java-version: ${{ }}
# os: ${{ matrix.os }}
# - uses: ./.github/actions/post-build-selective
# with:
# millargs: ${{ matrix.millargs }}
# coursierarchive: "/tmp"
# install-android-sdk: false
# shell: bash
# linux:
# needs: build-linux
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# include:
# # For most tests, run them arbitrarily on Java 11 or Java 17 on Linux, and
# # on the opposite version on Windows below, so we get decent coverage of
# # each test on each Java version and each operating system
# # We also try to group tests together to manually balance out the runtimes of each jobs
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "'{core,main,scalalib,testrunner,bsp,testkit}.__.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 11
# millargs: "'{scalajslib,scalanativelib,kotlinlib,pythonlib,javascriptlib}.__.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "contrib.__.test"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "example.javalib.__.local.server.test"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "example.kotlinlib.__.local.server.test"
# install-android-sdk: false
# # Run this one using `.native` as a smoketest. Also make sure the java-version
# # is the same as that used in the `build-linux` job to avoid diverging code
# # hashes (
# - java-version: 11
# millargs: "example.scalalib.__.native.server.test"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "''"
# install-android-sdk: true
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "'example.{pythonlib,javascriptlib}.__.local.server.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 11
# millargs: "'example.thirdparty[{mockito,commons-io}].local.server.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "'example.thirdparty[{netty,gatling}].local.server.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: '17'
# millargs: "'example.thirdparty[arrow].local.server.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 11
# millargs: "'example.{cli,fundamentals,depth,extending}.__.local.server.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 11
# millargs: "'integration.{failure,feature,ide}.__.packaged.server.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# # run this specifically in `native` mode to make sure our non-JVM native image
# # launcher is able to bootstrap everything necessary without a JVM installed
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "'integration.bootstrap[no-java-bootstrap].native.server.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# # These invalidation tests need to be exercised in both execution modes
# # to make sure they work with and without -i/--no-server being passed
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "'integration.invalidation.__.packaged.fork.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "'integration.invalidation.__.packaged.server.test'"
# install-android-sdk: false
# uses: ./.github/workflows/post-build-selective.yml
# with:
# install-android-sdk: ${{ matrix.install-android-sdk }}
# java-version: ${{ }}
# millargs: ${{ matrix.millargs }}
# shell: bash
# windows:
# needs: build-windows
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# include:
# # just run a subset of examples/ on Windows, because for some reason running
# # the whole suite can take hours on windows v.s. half an hour on linux
# #
# # * One job unit tests,
# # * One job each for local/packaged/native tests
# # * At least one job for each of fork/server tests, and example/integration tests
# - java-version: 11
# millargs: '"{main,scalalib,bsp}.__.test"'
# - java-version: 11
# millargs: '"example.scalalib.{basic,publishing}.__.local.fork.test"'
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "'integration.{feature,failure}.__.packaged.fork.test'"
# - java-version: 11 # Run this with Mill native launcher as a smoketest
# millargs: "'integration.invalidation.__.native.server.test'"
# - java-version: 17
# millargs: "'integration.bootstrap[no-java-bootstrap].native.server.test'"
# uses: ./.github/workflows/post-build-selective.yml
# with:
# os: windows-latest
# java-version: ${{ }}
# millargs: ${{ matrix.millargs }}
# # Provide a shorter coursier archive folder to avoid hitting path-length bugs when
# # running the graal native image binary on windows
# coursierarchive: "C:/coursier-arc"
# shell: powershell
# itest:
# needs: build-linux
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# include:
# # bootstrap tests
# - java-version: 11 # Have one job on oldest JVM
# buildcmd: ci/ && ci/ && ./mill -i -k __:^IntegrationCrossModule:^TestModule.ivyDepsTree && ./mill -i -k __:^IntegrationCrossModule:^TestModule.ivyDepsTree --withRuntime
# - java-version: 17 # Have one job on default JVM
# buildcmd: ci/
# uses: ./.github/workflows/post-build-raw.yml
# with:
# java-version: ${{ }}
# buildcmd: ${{ matrix.buildcmd }}
# # Scalafmt, Mima, and Scalafix job runs last because it's the least important:
# # usually just an automated or mechanical manual fix to do before merging
# lint-autofix:
# needs: build-linux
# uses: ./.github/workflows/post-build-raw.yml
# with:
# java-version: '17'
# buildcmd: |
# set -eux
# ./mill -i mill.scalalib.scalafmt.ScalafmtModule/checkFormatAll + __.mimaReportBinaryIssues + __.fix --check + mill.javalib.palantirformat.PalantirFormatModule/ --check + mill.kotlinlib.ktlint.KtlintModule/checkFormatAll
# ./mill -i --meta-level 1 mill.scalalib.scalafmt.ScalafmtModule/checkFormatAll