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Stark Scan (WFVL84SSKr6e) #3

Stark Scan (WFVL84SSKr6e)

Stark Scan (WFVL84SSKr6e) #3

Workflow file for this run

name: Stark Web Audit
run-name: ${{ github.event.inputs.display-title }}
# Used to send this scan's results back to Stark.
description: 'Stark token'
required: true
# Allows Stark to identify this scan.
description: 'Display title'
required: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Accessibility Audit
- name: Checkout code
id: code-checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Audit
id: stark
uses: stark-contrast/accessibility-check-action@beta
# [Optional; only required when used with Stark Projects]
# The token used by the action to send an audit report back to Stark.
token: ${{ github.event.inputs.token }}
# [Optional] Shell commands for setting up the container.
# You can use this to install tools, export variables, etc.
# Example: 'nvm install 16 && nvm use 16'
setup: ''
# [Optional] Shell comamnds to run before the app is built.
# Run any prebuild steps, cd into subdirectories, etc.
prebuild: ''
# [Optional] Shell commands for building your app.
# Example: 'npm run build'
build: ''
# [Optional] Shell commands for serving your app.
# This command is slightly different from the others: it runs in a long-lived,
# detached process that is only terminated when the scan finishes and our action stops.
# Example: 'SERVER_PORT=3000 && npm run serve'
serve: ''
# [Optional] The number of milliseconds to wait before your app is ready.
# Defaults to 5000 milliseconds.
wait_time: 5000
# [Required] A list of URLs to be scanned, with each URL belonging to its own line. This value follows YAML conventions for multiline strings.
# Example:
# urls:|-
# http://localhost:3000
# http://localhost:3000/about
# http://localhost:3000/help
# OR
# urls:'
# http://localhost:3000
# http://localhost:3000/about
# http://localhost:3000/help
# '
urls: ''
# [Optional] Navigation timeout for puppeteer in ms. How long should puppeteer wait till it checks page load (wait until event) is complete.
# Note: This timeout applies to all pages in your url list individually
# Defaults to 30000 ms
puppeteer_timeout: 30000
# [Optional] Event that puppeteer looks out for to assume completed navigation to a given page. In case of multiple values, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired
# This can be multiple values from [load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0, networkidle2], with each value belonging to its own line.
# This value follows YAML conventions for multiline strings.
# Example:
# puppeteer_wait_until: |-
# load
# domcontentloaded
# Defaults to load
puppeteer_wait_until: 'load'
# [Optional] Run puppeteer in stealth mode. Attempts to hide puppeteer from your server. Won't be necessary for localhost
# Note: Uses puppeteer-extra stealth-mode. This is not a guaranteed way to hide usage of automated software to control browsers.
# Defaults to false (use if you have bot checks in your server code)
stealth_mode: false
# [Optional] If a url scan failed, scans the next one without failing the action.
# Defaults to false
skip_errors: false
# [Optional] Adds a delay before running the scan. This is different from the timeout and delay in the sense that this delay occurs after the page is navigated to.
# Defaults to 100
scan_delay: 500
# [Optional] Shell commands to run after the action finishes a scan.
# Use this to run any cleanup commands.
cleanup: ''