Publications about the Lift language.
- Naums Mogers, Valentin Radu, Lu Li, Jack Turner, Michael O'Boyle, and Christophe Dubach: Automatic Generation of Specialized Direct Convolutions for Mobile GPUs at General Purpose Processing Using GPU (GPGPU ’20).
Federico Pizzuti, Michel Steuwer, Christophe Dubach: Position-Dependent Arrays and Their Application for High Performance Code Generation at Functional High-Performance and Numerical Computing (FHPNC) 2019.
Martin Kristien, Bruno Bodin, Michel Steuwer, Christophe Dubach: High-Level Synthesis of Functional Patterns with Lift at the 6th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming.
Naums Mogers, Aaron Smith, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Michel Steuwer, Christophe Dubach, Ryota Tomioka: Towards Mapping Lift to Deep Neural Network Accelerators, at the Workshop on Emerging Deep Learning Accelerators (EDLA) @ HiPEAC.
Bastian Köpcke: Implementing and Optimizing Fast Fourier Transforms in Lift; Master Thesis; University of Münster, Germany; Supervised by Sergei Gorlatch and Herbert Kuchen.
Martin Lücke: Efficient Implementation and Optimization of Geometric Multigrid Operations in the Lift Framework; Master Thesis; University of Münster, Germany; Supervised by Sergei Gorlatch and Herbert Kuchen.
Bastian Hagedorn, Larisa Stoltzfus, Michel Steuwer, Sergei Gorlatch, Christophe Dubach: High Performance Stencil Code Generation with Lift, in the Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).
- Michel Steuwer, Toomas Remmelg, and Christophe Dubach: Lift: A Functional Data-Parallel IR for High-Performance GPU Code Generation, in the Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).
Michel Steuwer, Toomas Remmelg, and Christophe Dubach: Matrix Multiplication Beyond Auto-Tuning: Rewrite-based GPU Code Generation, in Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES).
Toomas Remmelg, Thibaut Lutz, Michel Steuwer, and Christophe Dubach: Performance Portable GPU Code Generation for Matrix Multiplication, in the 9th Workshop on General Purpose Processing using GPUs (GPGPU) @ PPoPP.
Adam Harries, Michel Steuwer, Murray Cole, Alan Gray, and Christophe Dubach: Compositional Compilation for Sparse, Irregular Data Parallelism, in the Workshop on High-Level Programming for Heterogeneous and Hierarchical Parallel Systems (HLPGPU) @ HiPEAC.
Bastian Hagedorn: An Extension of a Functional Intermediate Language for Parallelizing Stencil Computations and its Optimizing GPU Implementation using OpenCL; Master Thesis; University of Münster, Germany; Supervised by Sergei Gorlatch and Michel Steuwer.
Michel Steuwer, Christian Fensch, Sam Lindley, and Christophe Dubach: Generating Performance Portable Code using Rewrite Rules: From High-Level Functional Expressions to High-Performance OpenCL Code, in Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP).
Michel Steuwer, Christian Fensch, and Christophe Dubach: Patterns and Rewrite Rules for Systematic Code Generation (From High-Level Functional Patterns to High-Performance Opencl Code); Technical Report.
Michel Steuwer: Improving Programmability and Performance Portability on Many-Core Processors; Ph.D. Thesis; University of Münster, Germany; Supervised by Sergei Gorlatch.