A Nix flake for Digilent Waveforms on Linux.
In addition to the waveforms
package and app, this Flake provides a
NixOS module that installs the package and sets up the USB device
permissions so that plugdev
group users are allowed to access.
inputs.waveforms.url = "github:liff/waveforms-flake";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, waveforms }: {
# replace 'joes-desktop' with your hostname here.
nixosConfigurations.joes-desktop = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
# …
({ users.users.joe.extraGroups = [ "plugdev" ]; })
Due to limitations of flakes, this flake enables config.allowUnfree
on its import of nixpkgs, meaining that packages can be built without
otherwise enabling unfree software.