Companion Server for PhoneGap PowerApp
or Stand-alone Demo of Node.js Server
- Node.js - Developed with Version 0.6.13 on Ubuntu 11.04
- Requires installation of Node.js
- Session Store - session.js
- Key/Value Store - node-dirty
- Authentication - OpenID for node.js
- Security - Secure Login using OpenID
- Secure User Space for Data Store - Unique user ID from authentication holds user-uploaded data
- User-controlled Data Sharing - Data stored anonymously, sharing controlled by user
- Requires installation of Node.js
- Edit the following before starting server:
- install_dir/server/myUrl.js - vars rawUrl and port must set to server ip and port
- To run server:
- $ cd install_dir
- $ node server/server.js
- See install_dir/readme.server.txt for further instructions
Libby Baldwin, Mobile Developer Solutions