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清沐 edited this page Feb 19, 2022 · 121 revisions

Myexcel is a toolkit which can import, export and encrypt excel.


  • Import: Provide a simple API to read excel in low memory and convert it to List<Bean> or List<Map>.

  • Export: It can quickly export a simple list of massive data, and generate excel with high complexity layout. Complex layout refers to a variety of irregular merged cells, background color, font size, italics, drop-down list, etc., which can be automatically divided into Excel to generate zip package.

Test file, 24.3m excel, 500000 lines, 8 columns, 40 cycles of reading, the average memory occupation is about 75 megabytes, compared with the same file test of Alibaba easyexcel (v2.1.6), the memory occupation is about one third of easyexcel.



  • Generate any complex table: This library uses iterative cell method to draw excel, which can generate any complexity excel and provide multiple width strategies.
  • Completely shield POI complexity: Using HTML as a template, the learning cost is almost zero, no need to care about any operation of POI itself, and a large number of default template free operations are provided.
  • Support common background color, border, font and other style settings: See the menu style support section for details.
  • Very low memory reading and exporting super large Excel: Very low memory reading and exporting super large Excel.
  • Support producer consumer mode export: It supports the export of producer consumer mode, and does not need to obtain all data at one time. Batch data acquisition and sxssf mode are used to realize the real export of massive data.
  • Support for multiple template engines: Built in common template engines, such as FreeMarker, groovy, Beetl and thymeleaf, excel Builder (see the document for detailsGetting started), the Beetl template engine is recommended(Beetl文档).
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