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An Erlang/LFE gnuplot process server

Table of Contents


This library aims to provide a means for programmers of the BEAM VM to use gnuplot in their native language. To accomplish this, it runs gnuplot in shell mode in a managed OS process. The erlexec library is used for two-way communications (via stdin and combined stdout/stderr).

This library is in the early stages of development, so to-date only a few functions are provided in the API. See the "Usage" section below for example usage (also the ./examples directory). For now, the API is a very thin layer over the gnuplot shell, but in the future a DSL may be provided for a more functional programming language experience.


This project depends upon:

  • Erlang 21+
  • rebar3
  • gnuplot being installed on the system

Note that development was done against the gnuplot installed by Homebrew (gnuplot 5.4 patchlevel 8) on macos (11.6).

With the dependencies in place, the library may be compiled with the following:

rebar3 compile


To start an interactive session in the LFE REPL:

make repl

and then:


This runs the gnuplot shell in an OS process and allows for two-way communication. See below on how to communicate with the process.


rebar3 as test check


Show the list of examples:

rebar3 as examples list

Run a specific example:

rebar3 as examples lfe run -- 3d-hidden


First, be sure you've compiled the project using the instructions above!

Then start the REPL (see above), including starting up plottah. You can then run code like the following in the REPL (example taken from here):

(defun opts ()
  '(#(title "4D data (3D Heat Map)\\nIndependent value color-mapped onto 3D surface")
    #(size "1, 0.9")
    #(origin "0, 0.05")
    #(#(title offset) "character 0, 1, 0 font '' norotate")
    #(style "increment default")
    #(format "cb '%4.1f'")
    #(view "49, 28, 1, 1.48")
    #(samples "25, 25")
    #(isosamples "50, 50")
    #(xyplane "relative 0")
    #(cbtics "border in scale 0,0 mirror norotate autojustify")
    #(urange "[ 5 : 35 ] noreverse nowriteback")
    #(vrange "[ 5 : 35 ] noreverse nowriteback")
    #(xrange "[ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback")
    #(x2range "[ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback")
    #(yrange "[ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback")
    #(y2range "[ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback")
    #(zrange "[ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback")
    #(cbrange "[ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback")
    #(rrange "[ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback")
    #(pm3d "implicit at s")
    #(colorbox "user")
    #(colorbox "vertical origin screen 0.9, 0.2, 0 size screen 0.03, 0.6, 0 front noinvert noborder")
    #(#(x label) "x")
    #(#(xlabel offset) "character 3, 0, 0 font '' textcolor lt -1 norotate")
    #(#(y label) "y")
    #(#(ylabel offset) "character -5, 0, 0 font '' textcolor lt -1 rotate")
    #(#(z label) "z")
    #(#(zlabel offset) "character 2, 0, 0 font '' textcolor lt -1 norotate")))

(defun funcs ()
  '(#("sinc(x,y)" "sin(sqrt((x-20.)**2+(y-20.)**2))/sqrt((x-20.)**2+(y-20.)**2)")
    #("Z(x,y)" "100. * (sinc(x,y) + 1.5)")
    #("color(x,y)" "10. * (1.1 + sin((x-20.)/5.)*cos((y-20.)/10.))")))

(defun args ()
  "'++' using 1:2:(Z($1,$2)):(color($1,$2)) with pm3d title ''")

(plottah:splot (args) (options) (funcs))

With that last, a window should pop up showing the following:

3D graph screenshot


Apache License, Version 2.0

Copyright © 2023, Duncan McGreggor [email protected].