The repository includes configuration files for:
- neovim
- fish
- tmux
- git
- kitty
LSP is set up with the following plugins:
- nvim-lspconfig
- mason.nvim
- mason-lspconfig.nvim
- null-ls.nvim
- lspsaga.nvim
- lspkind-nvim
- nvim-cmp and cmp-nvim-lsp
Mason is handling all the LSP configurations for Go, Rust, TypeScript, Python, etc. Null-ls is mainly used for formatting.
To install LSP run:
Config also includes:
- telescope.nvim
- treesitter with additional query injections for Go, TypeScript, and Markdown
- vim-fugitive
- lualine.nvim
- nvim-dap
- nvim-bufferline
Currrent colorscheme is mellow.
I use fisher as a plugin manager. Here are my installed plugins:
- jorgebucaran/fisher
- edc/bass
- fabioantunes/fish-nvm
- ilancosman/tide@v5
- jethrokuan/z
- patrickf1/
Git configuration includes delta, a syntax-highlighting pager for git and useful aliases i borrowed from craftzdog.
The Kitty configuration uses mostly default settings. The only changes are the font, color scheme, and enabling the Option key as the Alt key for macOS.