Web application for helping organising LAN parties.
Rust api can be launched with:
cargo shuttle run --working-directory api
React frontend can be launched with:
REACT_APP_API_PROXY=http://localhost:8000 npm start
To modify the database, prepare a migration script with:
sqlx migrate add -r <name>
When a query or database schema is modified, you will need to prepare the sqlx-data.json
file. This can be performed after launching the application from within the api/
directory with:
export DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:[email protected]:$(docker container inspect shuttle_calandar-api_shared_postgres --format '{{ (index (index .NetworkSettings.Ports "5432/tcp") 0).HostPort }}')/postgres"
cargo sqlx prepare --merged -- --all-targets --all-features
If you have modified the migration scripts during development, you can rollback, and then reapply them with the following commands:
cargo sqlx migrate revert
cargo sqlx migrate run