Hosted link :- https://compile-ish.rovn.me/
- Team Lead: Rovan Thomas John - Muthoot Institute of Technology And Science
- Member 2: Sivanandana R Pillai - Muthoot Institute of Technology And Science
The Project is a compiler that outputs various prompts by showing the user that their code is being compiled. But actually being trolled by not compiling the code and displaying various phrases.
The the problem that we are solving is that demotivating any remaining believe that you have within yourself by trolling with the compilation of your own code.
We are solving the solution by the compiling your working code and displaying a error that is non existential like a car having rails.
For Software:
- The languages that have been used are JavaScript.
- Framework used to complete the project is NuxtJs as our team had stop REACTing to the NEXT Framework.
- Prettymuch we just used the basic libraries
- Visual Studio Code is used as other IDE's looks Meh.
- Install necessary packages :- npm i
- Start the Development Server :- npm run dev
Made with ❤️ at TinkerHub Useless Projects