Hi, I am Leonhard. I was born in 1981 in Basel, Switzerland. I graduated as a master of science in mathematics at EPF Lausanne and I am a qualified Swiss actuary.
My main programming language is Python, recently I started looking more into client side JS/HTML/CSS/SVG. At work I also used C++ and VBA. I have also played aroud with Rust, Haskell, and embedded C.
Recently I am checking out Jupyter notebooks as a way to provide interactive dashboards and well documented calculations. Two works in progress can be tried out interactively on the mybinder service. (The free binder service is sometimes slow to start up the interactive notebooks)
Using Jupyter and numpy for numerical analysis of differential equations:
Written a small neural network and a Jupyter notebook that uses it to train recognizing handwritten numbers
Training is very slow on mybinder.org (approx. 1 hr) but faster locally (approx. 2 minutes)
Have a look at some of the following repositories. With each of these I have learned some language, environment or technology.
APara - Parachute game for Arduboy
An excursion into Arduino programming. The Arduboy is an Arduino based handheld gaming device. APara is a small game for Arduboy. Get an impression of it without owning the hardware: https://youtu.be/nZf0LSBwcvU
constructible - Python library for exact representation of constructible numbers
Constructible numbers are the lengths you can construct by ruler and compass. Its all the numbers which can be obtained from natural numbers by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers and by taking square roots. The exact representation avoids rounding issues that araise when using floating point numbers.
This library is published on PyPI and uses TravisCI for integration testing.
car - A minigame running in the browser
A small game demonstrating interactive graphics in the browser with svg and javascript. Try it out!
sicp - Creating an Ebook in epub format
A HTML version of the book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" is available for free under a CC license. In order to read it on my ebook reading device I transformed the HTML version into the epub format using Python.
rustyboy - Hardware emultation in the Rust programming language
This is a gameboy emulator written in Rust. It is not feature-complete but the original Gameboy Tetris game is playable. I wrote this project in order to learn both Rust, a new systems programming language and the low level details of an old CPU and system achitecture.