This project is intended to provide a base VM that can be used to serve shiny applications locally without having to install shiny-server on your own machine. This can be useful for development puropses. People who find this useful are encouraged to clone the repo and use the VM or fork it and merge their own applications into their fork. Contributions that aim to improve the usefulness of the base VM are of course welcome.
- Download and install Oracle Virtual Box here
- Download and install Vagrant here
- Install Virtual Box Guest Additions:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- Checkout this repository:
$ git clone
- Navigate to the repository folder locally:
cd shiny-server-on-ubuntu
- Run:
vagrant up
- Shiny server is now visible at
on your machine.
Put your apps in shiny-server-on-ubuntu/apps
and they will be visible at localhost:3838/apps/
on your machine.