The projects proposed on the Complete Android Developer Course by Rob Percival, available at Udemy.
Simple game to practice Animations
Basic app to explore math concepts in Android
Simple app to practice timers
Sort of a quiz App in which the player names the celebrity on the Image.
Involved some more advanced topics such as fetching data from a website to populate the Lists with the names and images of the Celebrities and handling exceptions.
Using the HackerNews API this App shows a list of the 20 top stories of the moment, and when the user clicks on the list item, is taken to another Activity with a WebView that displays the Article, as if the user had just opened a Browser.
Good practice for JSON, Databases and WebViews.
This app uses the Open Weather Map API to fetch the weather information of a city entered by the user and displays the description and temperature.
The course project only uses the Description, but I included the temperature as an extra, as well as some improvements on the layout.
Retrofit2 and GSON to consume APIs, following this tutorial (in Portuguese):
Tutorial app that includes a lot of concepts, but the most interesting ones are: Content Providers, Databases, JSON API, Custom Adapters, and more.
Tutorial on how to use and build an app that consumes a Content Provider, more info: here