Shyer's a small (under 6kb minified) and straightforward library for making 2D HTML5 games. It's also pluggable, event based and easily expandable. (and will be faster, if you want).
Current Features:
- Sprites (Extension)
- Camera (Extension)
- Events
- Input
- Asset Loading
- Animated Sprites (Extension)
- Audio (Extension)
- Extensions Support
- Decorators
Upcoming Features:
- Text Sprites
- Mouse Input
- Documentation
- Render Layers (?)
- Object Pools (?)
- Tilemaps (?)
- WebGL Rendering (?)
- Hardcore Perf Optimizations (?)
(?) -> not doable in the short term
Install from NPM
npm install shyer
yarn add shyer
import { Shyer, Sprite } from 'shyer';
const { createGame } = Shyer;
const { createSprite } = Sprite;
const game = createGame(600, 400);
{ resId: 'knight', type: 'image', src: 'assets/sprites/knight.png' }
game.on('loadcomplete', cache => {
// both reference the same loaded resource
const player = createSprite('player', 'knight', 50, 50, 80, 80);
const otherThing = createSprite('otherThing', 'knight', 300, 300, 80, 80);
// you can register more than one entity with one call
game.registerEntity(player, otherThing);
game.on('start', () => {
// initialize things
game.on('update', dt => {
// game logic
// do you want to separate your update logic? just add another subscriber
game.on('update', dt => {
// game logic 2
game.on('render', ({ ctx, cache }) => {
// render logic
import { Shyer, Sprite } from 'shyer';
const { createGame } = Shyer;
const { createSprite, collideWith } = Sprite;
const game = createGame(600, 400);
{ resId: 'knight', type: 'image', src: 'assets/sprites/knight.png' },
{ resId: 'obstacle', type: 'image', src: 'assets/sprites/obstacle.png' }
let player;
let obstacle;
game.on('loadcomplete', cache => {
player = createSprite('player', 'knight', 50, 50, 80, 80);
obstacle = createSprite('obstacle', 'obstacle', 300, 300, 80, 80); = 100;
game.registerEntity(player, obstacle);
game.on('update', dt => {
// this arrow function will be called if player collides with the obstacle
collideWith(player, obstacle, () => { -= 200;
// this collision event will stay active (checking every frame)
// until the expression ( >= 0) evaluates to false.
}, ( >= 0));
// ...
Custom Events
import { Shyer } from 'shyer';
const { createGame } = Shyer;
const game = createGame(600, 400);
// register an event called 'count-to-ten'
const time = 0;
game.on('update', dt => {
time += dt;
if (time >= 10) {
time = 0;
// send a message of type 'count-to-ten'
// do something when 'count-to-ten' receives a message
game.on('count-to-ten', () => {
console.log('ten seconds passed!');
// stop listening this event whenever you want
import { Shyer } from 'shyer';
const { createGame } = Shyer;
const game = createGame(600, 400);
const entities = [ ... ] // loaded entities;
// decorators are composable
const renderCircleDecorator = (fn) => {
return ({ ctx, cache }) => {
// process something
ctx.arc(150, 75, 30, 0.1, 2 * Math.PI);
return fn(ctx, cache);
const renderLogEntitiesDecorator = (fn) => {
return ({ ctx, cache }) => {
// process another thing (not mandatory)
return fn(ctx, cache);
// decorate the native render function.
// you can also decorate your own functions or other Shyer functions
game.decorate(game, 'render', renderLogEntitiesDecorator, renderCircleDecorator);
// ... after this decoration, each render call will draw an arc and log all the game entities.
import { Shyer } from 'shyer';
const { createGame } = Shyer;
const game = createGame(600, 400);
// declare your custom extension
const customExtension = {
start(gameInstance, cache) {
// start things
update(dt) {
// update your extension logic
// create as many extensions as you want
const customExtension2 = Object.assign({}, customExtension, start: () => /* do another thing..*/ );
// register your extensions
game.extend(customExtension, customExtension2);
- yarn
curl -o- -L | bash
'yarn build'