Hello everybody, this is an implementation Spring Boot based on these stack:
- Spring Cloud Config
- Spring Netflix Eureka
- Spring Cloud Gateway
- Spring Cloud Load-balancing
- Spring Resilience4j
- Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin Client The config repo here:
Change the url in sample-microservices-spring-boot/configserver/src/main/resources/ to https clone: link
With Docker:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up –d
With IDE (Vscode, IntelliJ, Escliped,…)
- Open the termial in folder sample-microservices-spring-boot/configserver
- Run the termial in folder sample-microservices-spring-boot/erukaservice
- Run these services
- Run the Gateway
- Call API form Gateway
Each project, you can run with gradle command: gradlew :bootRun
or gradle :bootRun
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