This repository stores all of my development config. If I need a new development machine, I can get everything set up and configured with less than 5 commands and in under 10 minutes.
Everything has been designed to be user-friendly so others can easily use my configuration as is or add it to their own configuration.
In a terminal run the following commands in your home directory:
git clone --recurse-submodules .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that some dotfiles are built from templates. The built files will be
stored in the build
directory. If you want to rebuild these files, you
will need to re-run the install script.
The install script does not install many of the libraries I use on a daily basis, such as google-appengine, android-studio, and google-cloud-sdk. The .bashrc assumes these libraries are located in a libraries folder in the home directory. If you need these libraries, you will need to install them manually.