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v38 (Statistics): WIP
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lemmy committed Jun 14, 2023
1 parent c70b80e commit a064863
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Showing 3 changed files with 263 additions and 0 deletions.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions BlockingQueuePoisonApple_stats.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)


data <- read.csv(header=TRUE, sep = ",", file = args[1])

## Poor-mans version of grouping the data according to 'P', 'B', and 'C' by concatenating the 0-padded values.
data <- within(data, config <- paste(sep = "/", str_pad(data$P, 3, pad = "0"), str_pad(data$C, 3, pad = "0"),str_pad(data$B, 3, pad = "0")))

## Group data by the 'config' column and calculate mean for 'over' and 'under'.
ag.means <- aggregate(cbind(data$over, data$under), by=list(config=data$config), FUN=mean)
names(ag.means)[names(ag.means)=="V1"] <- "mean_over"
names(ag.means)[names(ag.means)=="V2"] <- "mean_under"

## Group data by the 'config' column and calculate standard deviation for 'over' and 'under'. <- aggregate(cbind(data$over, data$under), by=list(config=data$config), FUN=sd)
names([names("V1"] <- "sd_over"
names([names("V2"] <- "sd_under"

## Merge the two data frames by the common 'config' column.
df <- merge(ag.means,

p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = config, y = mean_over, fill = config)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_over-sd_over, ymax=mean_over+sd_over), width=.2, position=position_dodge(.9)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
geom_bar(aes(x= config, y = mean_under, fill=config), stat="identity",position="dodge") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_under-sd_under, ymax=mean_under+sd_under), width=.2, position=position_dodge(.9)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, alpha = 0.3) +
#scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(
scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(check.overlap = TRUE))+
coord_flip() +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
x = "Configuration |P|/|C|/B",
y = "Average under- and over-provisioning of consumers (positive |ac|>|ap|)",
title = paste(
"Traces:", nrow(data), format(Sys.time(), "(%a %b %d %X %Y)")
ggsave(gsub(".csv$", ".svg", args[1]), plot = last_plot(), bg = "white", device = "svg")
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions BlockingQueuePoisonApple_stats.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
-------------------- MODULE BlockingQueuePoisonApple_stats -------------------
EXTENDS BlockingQueuePoisonApple, CSV, TLC, TLCExt, Integers, IOUtils

Max(a,b) ==
IF a > b THEN a ELSE b

Min(a,b) ==
IF a < b THEN a ELSE b


\* Collecting statistics does not work with an ordinary TLA+ spec such as
\* BlockingQueuePoisonApple because of its non-determinism. The statistics
\* would be all over the board and not meaningful. Instead, we break the
\* non-determinism by mimiking a real-world workload s.t. each Producer adds
\* a (fixed) number of elements to the queue. In other words, we remove
\* those behaviors from the state space that we do not expect to see in the
\* executions of an implementation of the TLA+ spec.
\* It would be more convenient to conjoin a liveness property that stipulates
\* that each producer adds N elements to the queue instead of amending the
\* original next-state relation Next with SNext below. However, I don't
\* see a way to get around adding the (auxiliary) pending variable that keeps
\* track of the number of elements added by each producer.
\* Alternatively, a more variable approach, compared to producers adding a
\* fixed number of elements to the queue, would be to add probabilities that
\* model the likelyhood of a Put and Terminate actions to occur (with
\* Put having a much higher probability). This is straighforward to model
\* with TLC's RandomElement operator by conjoining it to Put and
\* Terminate:
\* RandomElement(1..10) \in 1..9
\* and
\* RandomElement(1..10) \in 10..10
\* A more sophisticated example is at

\* Number of elements to put into the queue by each producer.
ASSUME Work \in (Nat \ {0})

\* Count how many elements have been added by each producer. This variable
\* is how we model workloads.
auxVars == <<pending>>

\* The two auxilary variables are used to measure the over- and under-provisioning
\* of consumers.
\* TODO: Make Welford's algorithm for variance and standard deviation available
\* here ('s_online_algorithm)
\* It would free users from doing things in R, ... , and probably be useful
\* in 99% of collecting statistics.
VARIABLE over, under
statsVars == <<over, under>>

STypeInv ==
/\ pending \in [ Producers -> 0..Work ]
/\ over \in Int
/\ under \in Int

SInit ==
\* Verbatim copy (redundant) of the original spec.
/\ buffer = <<>>
/\ waitSet = {}
/\ cons = [ c \in Consumers |-> Cardinality(Producers) ]
/\ prod = [ p \in Producers |-> Cardinality(Consumers) ]
\* Workload:
/\ pending = [ p \in Producers |-> Work ]
\* Statistics:
/\ over = 0
/\ under = 0

SNext ==
/\ \/ \E p \in Producers: /\ Put(p, p)
\* Decrement pending iff the buffer changed.
/\ IF buffer # buffer'
THEN pending' = [pending EXCEPT ![p]=@-1]
\/ \E c \in Consumers: /\ Get(c)
/\ UNCHANGED pending
\* Update the statistics.
/\ over' = Max(over, Cardinality(ac) - Cardinality(ap))
/\ under' = Min(under, Cardinality(ac) - Cardinality(ap))

StatsSpec ==
SInit /\ [][SNext]_<<vars, auxVars, statsVars>>



StatsInv ==
\* Per-behavior stats written to CSVfile on global termination. Global
\* termination is defined by the union of the active producers and consumers
\* being the empty set.
/\ (ap \cup ac = {}) =>
\* TLCGet("stats").traces equals the number of traces generated
\* so far. Thus, individual records in the CSV can be aggregated
\* later. TLCGet("level") can be seen as the timestamp of the
\* record.
TLCGet("stats").traces, TLCGet("level"),
Cardinality(Producers), Cardinality(Consumers), BufCapacity,
\* ...the actual statistics.
over, under
>>, CSVFile)


\* Below, we read the values from the OS environment and turn them into constants
\* of this spec. The operators s2n and SetOfNModelValues should probably be
\* moved into IOUtils.

s2n(str) ==
CHOOSE n \in 0..2^16: ToString(n) = str

SetOfNModelValues(lbl, N) ==
{ TLCModelValue(lbl \o ToString(i)) : i \in 1..N }


B ==

P ==
SetOfNModelValues("p", s2n(IOEnv.P))

C ==
SetOfNModelValues("c", s2n(IOEnv.C))

W ==

Out ==


--------------------- CONFIG BlockingQueuePoisonApple_stats ---------------------
BufCapacity <- B
Producers <- P
Consumers <- C
Work <- W
CSVFile <- Out
Poison = Poison





63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions BlockingQueuePoisonApple_statsSC.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
--------------------- MODULE BlockingQueuePoisonApple_statsSC ---------------------
EXTENDS TLC, IOUtils, Naturals, Sequences, CSV

\* Assume a recent version of TLC that has support for all shenanigans below.
ASSUME TLCGet("revision").timestamp >= 1628118195


\* Filename for the CSV file that appears also in the R script and is passed
\* to the nested TLC instances that are forked below.
CSVFile ==
"BQPA_B_" \o ToString(JavaTime) \o ".csv"

\* Write column headers to CSV file at startup of TLC instance that "runs"
\* this script and forks the nested instances of TLC that simulate the spec
\* and collect the statistics.
CSVWrite("trace,level,P,C,B,over,under", <<>>, CSVFile)

PlotStatistics ==
\* Have TLC execute the R script on the generated CSV file.
LET proc == IOExec(<<
\* Find R on the current system (known to work on macOS and Linux).
"/usr/bin/env", "Rscript",
"BlockingQueuePoisonApple_stats.R", CSVFile>>)
IN \/ proc.exitValue = 0
\/ PrintT(proc) \* Print stdout and stderr if R script fails.


\* Command to fork nested TLC instances that simulate the spec and collect the
\* statistics. TLCGet("config").install gives the path to the TLC jar also
\* running this script.
Cmd == LET absolutePathOfTLC == TLCGet("config").install
IN <<"java", "-jar",
"-generate", "num=100",
"-config", "BlockingQueuePoisonApple_stats.tla",

Success(e) ==
/\ PrintT(e)
/\ PlotStatistics

ASSUME \A conf \in
{ r \in [ {"P","C","B"} -> {1,2,4,8,16,32}]:
\* Check only symmetric configs of Producers and Consumers.
\* Over/Under-provisioning for asymmetrics numbers of
\* Producers and Consumers.
r.P = r.C }:
LET ret == IOEnvExec(conf @@ [W |-> 16, Out |-> CSVFile], Cmd).exitValue
IN CASE ret = 0 -> Success(conf)
[] ret = 10 -> PrintT(<<conf, "Assumption violation">>)
[] ret = 12 -> PrintT(<<conf, "Safety violation">>)
[] ret = 13 -> PrintT(<<conf, "Liveness violation">>)
[] OTHER -> Print(<<conf, IOEnvExec(conf, Cmd), "Error">>, FALSE)

---- CONFIG BlockingQueuePoisonAppleSC ----
\* TLC always expects a configuration file, but an empty one will do in this case.
\* If this approach proves useful, TLC should be extended to launch without a config
\* file.

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