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Add a ProducerConsumer spec that models the buffer as a Naturals
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instead of as a sequence of elements.  In other words, PC is more
high-level than BlockingQueue.  This shows why the section v18 in
the master branch dropped the conjunct from TypeInv that defined
the valid values of the variable buffer.

Deadlock-freedom is proved for PC, and refinement of PC for BQ.
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lemmy committed Nov 8, 2020
1 parent 3a66f46 commit 977dc67
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Showing 2 changed files with 105 additions and 0 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions BlockingQueue.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,4 +124,18 @@ FairSpec == Spec /\ WF_vars(Next)
(* starve itself). *)
Starvation == \A p \in Producers: []<>(<<Put(p, p)>>_vars)


PC == INSTANCE ProducerConsumer WITH buffer <- Len(buffer)

THEOREM Implements == Spec => PC!Spec
<1> USE Assumption
<1>1. Init => PC!Init
BY Isa DEF Init, PC!Init
<1>2. TypeInv /\ [Next]_vars => [PC!Next]_PC!vars
BY SMT DEF Next, vars, Put, Get, Wait, NotifyOther, PC!Next,
PC!vars, PC!Put, PC!Get, PC!Wait, PC!NotifyOther
<1>3. QED BY <1>1, <1>2, PTL, TypeCorrect DEF Spec, PC!Spec

91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions ProducerConsumer.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
-------------------------- MODULE ProducerConsumer --------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSets

CONSTANTS Producers, (* the (nonempty) set of producers *)
Consumers, (* the (nonempty) set of consumers *)
BufCapacity (* the maximum number of messages in the bounded buffer *)

ASSUME Assumption ==
/\ Producers # {} (* at least one producer *)
/\ Consumers # {} (* at least one consumer *)
/\ Producers \intersect Consumers = {} (* no thread is both consumer and producer *)
/\ BufCapacity \in (Nat \ {0}) (* buffer capacity is at least 1 *)


VARIABLES buffer, waitSet
vars == <<buffer, waitSet>>

RunningThreads == (Producers \cup Consumers) \ waitSet

NotifyOther(t) ==
LET S == IF t \in Producers THEN waitSet \ Producers ELSE waitSet \ Consumers
IN IF S # {}
THEN \E x \in S : waitSet' = waitSet \ {x}

Wait(t) == /\ waitSet' = waitSet \cup {t}
/\ UNCHANGED <<buffer>>


Put(t) ==
/\ t \notin waitSet
/\ \/ /\ buffer < BufCapacity
/\ buffer' = buffer + 1
/\ NotifyOther(t)
\/ /\ buffer = BufCapacity
/\ Wait(t)

Get(t) ==
/\ t \notin waitSet
/\ \/ /\ buffer > 0
/\ buffer' = buffer - 1
/\ NotifyOther(t)
\/ /\ buffer = 0
/\ Wait(t)


Init == /\ buffer = 0
/\ waitSet = {}

Next == \/ \E p \in Producers: Put(p)
\/ \E c \in Consumers: Get(c)

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars


TypeInv == /\ buffer \in 0..BufCapacity
/\ waitSet \in SUBSET (Producers \cup Consumers)

Invariant == waitSet # (Producers \cup Consumers)



USE Assumption DEF vars, RunningThreads,
Init, Next, Spec,
Put, Get,
Wait, NotifyOther,
TypeInv, Invariant

LEMMA TypeCorrect == Spec => []TypeInv
<1>1. Init => TypeInv BY SMT
<1>2. TypeInv /\ [Next]_vars => TypeInv' BY SMT
<1>. QED BY <1>1, <1>2, PTL

IInv == /\ TypeInv
/\ Invariant
/\ buffer = 0 => \E p \in Producers : p \notin waitSet
/\ buffer = BufCapacity => \E c \in Consumers : c \notin waitSet

THEOREM DeadlockFreedom == Spec => []Invariant
<1>1. Init => IInv BY SMT DEF IInv
<1>2. IInv /\ [Next]_vars => IInv' BY DEF IInv
<1>3. IInv => Invariant BY DEF IInv
<1>4. QED BY <1>1,<1>2,<1>3,PTL


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