FunctorLeft <|-- Bifunctor
FunctorRight <|-- Bifunctor
FunctorRight <|-- Profunctor
ContravariantLeft <|-- Profunctor
class FunctorLeft {
) lmap :: (a -> aa) -> f a b -> f aa b
class FunctorRight {
) rmap :: (b -> bb) -> f a b -> f a bb
class Bifunctor {
) bimap :: (a -> aa) -> (b -> bb) -> f a b -> f aa bb
class ContravariantLeft {
) lcontramap :: (aa -> a) -> f a b -> f aa b
class Profunctor {
) dimap :: (aa -> a) -> (b -> bb) -> p a b -> p aa bb
Explore encoding of Bifunctor and Profunctor
class (FunctorLeft f, FunctorRight f) => Bifunctor f where
bimap :: (a -> aa) -> (b -> bb) -> f a b -> f aa bb
bimap f g = lmap f . rmap g
class (ContravariantLeft p, FunctorRight p) => Profunctor p where
dimap :: (aa -> a) -> (b -> bb) -> p a b -> p aa bb
dimap f g = lcontramap f . rmap g
using 3 typeclass'es:
class FunctorRight f where
rmap :: (b -> bb) -> f a b -> f a bb
class FunctorLeft f where
lmap :: (a -> aa) -> f a b -> f aa b
class ContravariantLeft f where
lcontramap :: (aa -> a) -> f a b -> f aa b
that is more modular:
- reveal that rmap in Profunctor and Bifunctor is the same thing
- split laws into into each typeclass
Push this idea to types with 3 type arguments. This leads to Zifunctor abstraction that can be used to describe calculations that can fail with aa or succeed with rr and require input of type e.
class (FunctorLeft f, FunctorRight f, ContravariantRight f) => Zifunctor f where
zimap :: (ee -> e) -> (a -> aa) -> (r -> rr) -> f e a r -> f ee aa rr
- Originally idea was encoded in Scala in lemastero/Triglav
- Encoding in Idris Idris-Trifunctors
- snoyberg//trio is more faithfull to ZIO - use data types instead of typeclasses
- n-ary-functor
- FunctorOf