PHPOptparse -- A command-line option parser for PHP
PHPOptparse is a PHP port of Python's optparse module. Its interface tries to be as similar as possible to that of its Python counterpart.
I personally won't be using this module anymore. I've just ported another module that achieves the same things as this one, but that is a lot simpler (about 1/3 the amount of lines of code) and that makes code an awsome lot cleaner. Check out this other module:
However, if others continue to fix bugs or implement cool things, I'll still be merging patches to this code so that it's not completely dead.
Simply drop the optparse.php file in your project directory and include() it. Then, create an OptionParser object and add options with the add_option() method. When all options are set up, parse the options with the parse_args() method. The object returned from parse_args will contain all the values from the command line as attributes corresponding to names given to the "dest" parameter to add_option().
// called with: ./my_program -b 4
$option_parser = new OptionParser(array("version"=>"meuh 1.2.3", "description" => "lalla", "epilog"=>"patate"));
"-b", "--booh",
"dest" => "gah",
"metavar" => "<the thing>",
"type" => "int"
$options = $option_parser->parse_args($argv);
// here $options->gah contains 4
The 't' directory contains unit tests for classes contained in the PHPOptparse library. To run the tests, use phpunit in the following manner:
phpunit OptionTest
The PHPOptparse library is licensed under the GNU GPLv2. The full license text should be shipped with the code in a file named LICENSE. If not, you can find the full text online at the following URL: