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It took me some time but now you can use a teamcity plugin with similar set of features.


  1. you don't need to distribute browser extension
  2. new features, soon


  1. you need to install plugin into every Teamcity instance you have :(


  • it transforms links in TC reports into proper <a> tag
  • a click on a link to an image / mp4 file will show you a preview with media content
    • large screenshots will be resized to fit the screen. You can zoom-in / zoom-out them.
  • it adds <code> nodes:
    • a double click on the <code> node (the gray one) selects and copies its content
    • everything within >>MMM<< will be transformed to <code>MMM</code>
    • everything like phpunit anything.php will be transformed to <code>phpunit anything.php</code>
    • everything like bundle exec ... will be transformed to <code>bundle exec .. </code>
    • everything like docker-compose run ... will be transformed to <code>docker-compose run .. </code>
    • everything like features/anything/anything(.rb|.feature):32 will be transformed to <code>features/anything/anything:32</code><a>open the file in your IDE</a> *
    • everything like features/anything/anything:32 will be transformed to <code>features/anything/anything:32</code>
    • User:? \d+ is transformed to User:? <code>$1</code>
    • chrome://extensions/ => Developer mode (v) => Update extensions now

Firefox | Google Chrome



* Note that IDE will show alert asking if you trust the source. To make IDE open file immediately check Allow unsigned request in Debugger preferences in IDE. Warning: this lessens security.