This gulp plugin converts a html file with templates into a js file containing an object with all templates as strings.
Writing template inside a structured HTML file is much more practical than in a one line javascript string. Therefore this plugin turns a HTML file with templates into a js object. You can use whatever template language you like it simply turns the html nodes into a js string. It will take the html id attribute as the key and its innerHTML as the value.
An example usage with gulp:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var html2js = require('gulp-html-js-template');
gulp.task('template', function() {
return gulp.src( 'my/template.html' )
.pipe( html2js() )
.pipe( gulp.dest( 'output' ) );
This example shows how this plugin turn html into a js object.
HTML Source :
<div id="templates">
<div id="my-example-template">
<p>A {{ handlebar }} example.</p>
The generated output :
var templates = {"my-example-template":"<p>A {{ handlebar }} example.</p>"}
If you like to adjust the content of the generated js file you can define that inside the html file.
HTML Source including custom js :
<script id="file-content" type="text/javascript">
// Here I can program whatever I want.
var myProject = {};
myProject.templates = <%= templates %>;
<div id="templates">
<div id="my-example-template">
<p>A {{ handlebar }} example.</p>
The generated output :
// Here I can program whatever I want.
var myProject = {};
myProject.templates = {"my-example-template":"<p>A {{ handlebar }} example.</p>"};
{ ext:'js' }
The extension of the generated output file. If you like to generate something different that a js file. For example for Coffescript or Typescript.