Modern XMPP, with a JSON API.
StanzaJS is a JavaScript/TypeScript library for using modern XMPP, and it does that by exposing everything as JSON. Unless you insist, you have no need to ever see or touch any XML when using StanzaJS.
npm install stanza
import * as XMPP from 'stanza';
const client = XMPP.createClient({
jid: '[email protected]',
password: 'hunter2',
// If you have a .well-known/host-meta.json file for your
// domain, the connection transport config can be skipped.
transports: {
websocket: 'wss://',
bosh: ''
client.on('session:started', () => {
client.on('chat', msg => {
to: msg.from,
body: 'You sent: ' + msg.body
- API Reference
- JXT: JSON/XML Translation
- Supported XEP Formats
- Creating Plugins
- Using with React Native
- Using PubSub
- Using Stream Management
MUC Room: [email protected] / Logs
These are some additional modules that are highly recommended for use with StanzaJS:
Name | Description | Source |
staydown | Render helper that keeps an element scrolled to the bottom based on user intent. | Source |
webrtc-adapter | Shims browsers to provide a consistent WebRTC API. | Source |
Portions of StanzaJS are derived from prior works. See NOTICE file for details.
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