This is a docker enviroment for php web development with XDebug support and handling one or multiple websites. Easy way for obtaining SSL certificates via Let's Encrypt included.
- nginx [latest]
- php-fpm [7.2]
- mysql [5.7]
$ git clone
$ cp .env.dist .env
$ make init
Important first steps:
- Change the default configuration in the .env file
- Edit etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf (or remove it/add new .conf files) to customize your server/s
- These and some other changes may require you to restart the containers to activate the new configurations ("make restart")
Some of these directories and files do not exist yet, but will be automatically created on the containers first start
- build/ - Build files for docker images
- db/ - Database files for persistant storage
- etc/ - Configuration files for programms and services
- letsencrypt/ - SSL certifcates, account informations, ...
- nginx/ - Nginx configuration files
- auth/ - Intended location for .htpasswd file (file must be created manually if needed)
- conf.d/ - Host configuration file/s
- nginx.conf - Server configuration file
- php/ - PHP configuration files
- - Example dev configuration file
- - Example prod configuration file
For easier interacting with docker and the container.
Format: make [command]
Command | Description |
up | Create and start containers |
down | Stop and remove containers |
restart | Runs "down" and "up" command |
build | Build docker images |
connect_php_bash | Open bash to php-fpm container |
connect_nginx_bash | Open bash to nginx container |
connect_mysql_cli | Open mysql cli to mysql container |
log_php | Get php-fpm container log stream |
log_mysql | Get mysql container log stream |
log_nginx | Get nginx container log stream |
log_nginx_export | Copy nginx logs to host |
certbot_init | Initialize certbot |
certbot_create | Create ssl certificate/s |
certbot_renew | Renew existing ssl certificate/s |
- Make sure you have added your email address in the .env file (CERTBOT_EMAIL=) and your website/domain is working
- Run "make certbot_init" to register an account with your email address (only needed the first time)
- Run "make certbot_create", choose the domain/s you want to install a certifcate for and if you want automatic http to https redirects added to your nginx .conf file
- Simply run "make certbot_renew" to renew your certifcate/s, their lifetime is limited to 3 months