accounting is a library for money and currency formatting. (inspired by accounting.js)
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
ac := accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "$", Precision: 2}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(123456789.213123)) // "$123,456,789.21"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(12345678)) // "$12,345,678.00"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(big.NewRat(77777777, 3))) // "$25,925,925.67"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(big.NewRat(-77777777, 3))) // "-$25,925,925.67"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(123456789.213123))) // "$123,456,789.21"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyDecimal(decimal.New(123456789.213123, 0))) // "$123,456,789.21"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "€", Precision: 2, Thousand: ".", Decimal: ","}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(4999.99)) // "€4.999,99"
// Or retrieve currency info from Locale struct
lc := LocaleInfo["USD"]
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: lc.ComSymbol, Precision: 2, Thousand: lc.ThouSep, Decimal: lc.DecSep}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(500000)) // "$500,000.00"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "£ ", Precision: 0}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(500000)) // "£ 500,000"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "GBP", Precision: 0,
Format: "%s %v", FormatNegative: "%s (%v)", FormatZero: "%s --"}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(1000000)) // "GBP 1,000,000"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(-5000)) // "GBP (5,000)"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(0)) // "GBP --"
ac = accounting.DefaultAccounting("GBP", 2)
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(1000000)) // "GBP 1,000,000"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(-5000)) // "GBP (5,000)"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(0)) // "GBP --"
ac = accounting.NewAccounting("GBP", 2, ",", ".", "%s %v", "%s (%v)", "%s --")
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(1000000)) // "GBP 1,000,000"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(-5000)) // "GBP (5,000)"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(0)) // "GBP --"
Please do not use float64 to count money. Floats can have errors when you perform operations on them. Using big.Rat (< Go 1.5) or big.Float (>= Go 1.5) is highly recommended. (accounting supports float64, but it is just for convenience.)
type Accounting struct {
Symbol string // currency symbol (required)
Precision int // currency precision (decimal places) (optional / default: 0)
Thousand string // thousand separator (optional / default: ,)
Decimal string // decimal separator (optional / default: .)
Format string // simple format string allows control of symbol position (%v = value, %s = symbol) (default: %s%v)
FormatNegative string // format string for negative values (optional / default: strings.Replace(strings.Replace(accounting.Format, "-", "", -1), "%v", "-%v", -1))
FormatZero string // format string for zero values (optional / default: Format)
Field | Type | Description | Default | Example |
Symbol | string | currency symbol | no default value | $ |
Precision | int | currency precision (decimal places) | 0 | 2 |
Thousand | string | thousand separator | , | . |
Decimal | string | decimal separator | . | , |
Format | string | simple format string allows control of symbol position (%v = value, %s = symbol) | %s%v | %s %v |
FormatNegative | string | format string for negative values | strings.Replace(strings.Replace(accounting.Format, "-", "", -1), "%v", "-%v", -1)) | %s (%v) |
FormatZero | string | format string for zero values | Format | %s -- |
# Via functions
ac := accounting.DefaultAccounting("$", 2)
ac := accounting.NewAccounting("$", 2, ",", ".", "%s %v", "%s (%v)", "%s --")
# Via Accounting struct
ac := accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "$", Precision: 2}
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "€", Precision: 2, Thousand: ".", Decimal: ","}
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "GBP", Precision: 0,
Format: "%s %v", FormatNegative: "%s (%v)", FormatZero: "%s --"}
SetThousandSeparator sets the separator for the thousands separation
SetDecimalSeparator sets the separator for the decimal separation
SetFormat sets the Format default: %s%v
SetFormatNegative sets the Format for negative values default: -%s%v
SetFormatZero sets the Format for zero values default: %s%v
type Locale struct {
Name string // currency name
FractionLength int // default decimal length
ThouSep string // thousands seperator
DecSep string // decimal seperator
SpaceSep string // space seperator
UTFSymbol string // UTF symbol
HTMLSymbol string // HTML symbol
ComSymbol string // Common symbol
Pre bool // symbol before or after currency
Field | Type | Description | Default | Example |
Name | string | currency name | no default value | US Dollar |
FractionLength | int | default precision (decimal places) | no default value | 2 |
ThouSep | string | thousand separator | no default value | , |
DecSep | string | decimal separator | no default value | . |
SpaceSep | string | space separator | no default value | " " |
UTFSymbol | string | UTF symbol | no default value | "0024" |
HTMLSymbol | string | HTML symbol | no default value | "$" |
ComSymbol | string | Common symbol | no default value | "$" |
Pre | bool | symbol before currency | no default value | true |
// LocaleInfo map[string]Locale
var lc Locale
if val, ok := LocaleInfo["USD"]; ok {
lc = val
} else {
panic("No Locale Info Found")
fmt.Println(lc.Name) // "US Dollar"
fmt.Println(lc.FractionLength) // 2
fmt.Println(lc.ThouSep) // ","
fmt.Println(lc.DecSep) // "."
fmt.Println(lc.SpaceSep) // ""
fmt.Println(lc.UTFSymbol) // "0024"
fmt.Println(lc.HTMLSymbol) // "$"
fmt.Println(lc.ComSymbol) // "$"
fmt.Println(lc.Pre) // true
There are currently 181 currencies supported in LocaleInfo
FormatMoney is a function for formatting numbers as money values, with customisable currency symbol, precision (decimal places), and thousand/decimal separators.
FormatMoney supports various types of value by runtime reflection. If you don't need runtime type evaluation, please refer to FormatMoneyInt, FormatMoneyBigRat, FormatMoneyBigRat, or FormatMoneyFloat64.
- supported value types : int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, float64, *big.Rat
ac := accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "$", Precision: 2}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(123456789.213123)) // "$123,456,789.21"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(12345678)) // "$12,345,678.00"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(big.NewRat(77777777, 3))) // "$25,925,925.67"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(big.NewRat(-77777777, 3))) // "-$25,925,925.67"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "€", Precision: 2, Thousand: ".", Decimal: ","}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(4999.99)) // "€4.999,99"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "£ ", Precision: 0}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(500000)) // "£ 500,000"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "GBP", Precision: 0,
Format: "%s %v", FormatNegative: "%s (%v)", FormatZero: "%s --"}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(1000000)) // "GBP 1,000,000"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(-5000)) // "GBP (5,000)"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoney(0)) // "GBP --"
(>= Go 1.5)
FormatMoneyBigFloat only supports *big.Float value. It is faster than FormatMoney, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "$", Precision: 2}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(123456789.213123))) // "$123,456,789.21"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(12345678))) // "$12,345,678.00"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "€", Precision: 2, Thousand: ".", Decimal: ","}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(4999.99))) // "€4.999,99"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "£ ", Precision: 0}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(500000))) // "£ 500,000"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "GBP", Precision: 0,
Format: "%s %v", FormatNegative: "%s (%v)", FormatZero: "%s --"}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(1000000))) // "GBP 1,000,000"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(-5000))) // "GBP (5,000)"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(0))) // "GBP --"
FormatMoneyInt only supports int value. It is faster than FormatMoney, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "$", Precision: 2}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyInt(12345678)) // "$12,345,678.00"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "€", Precision: 2, Thousand: ".", Decimal: ","}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyInt(4999)) // "€4.999,00"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "£ ", Precision: 0}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyInt(500000)) // "£ 500,000"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "GBP", Precision: 0,
Format: "%s %v", FormatNegative: "%s (%v)", FormatZero: "%s --"}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyInt(1000000)) // "GBP 1,000,000"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyInt(-5000)) // "GBP (5,000)"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyInt(0)) // "GBP --"
FormatMoneyBigRat only supports *big.Rat value. It is faster than FormatMoney, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "$", Precision: 2}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigRat(big.NewRat(77777777, 3))) // "$25,925,925.67"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigRat(big.NewRat(-77777777, 3))) // "-$25,925,925.67"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "€", Precision: 2, Thousand: ".", Decimal: ","}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigRat(big.NewRat(77777777, 3))) // "€25.925.925,67"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "£ ", Precision: 0}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigRat(big.NewRat(77777777, 3))) // "£ 25,925,926"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "GBP", Precision: 0,
Format: "%s %v", FormatNegative: "%s (%v)", FormatZero: "%s --"}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigRat(big.NewRat(77777777, 3))) // "GBP 25,925,926"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigRat(big.NewRat(-77777777, 3))) // "GBP (25,925,926)"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigRat(big.NewRat(0, 3))) // "GBP --"
FormatMoneyFloat64 only supports float64 value. It is faster than FormatMoney, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "$", Precision: 2}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyFloat64(123456789.213123)) // "$123,456,789.21"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyFloat64(12345678)) // "$12,345,678.00"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "€", Precision: 2, Thousand: ".", Decimal: ","}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyFloat64(4999.99)) // "€4.999,99"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "£ ", Precision: 0}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyFloat64(500000)) // "£ 500,000"
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "GBP", Precision: 0,
Format: "%s %v", FormatNegative: "%s (%v)", FormatZero: "%s --"}
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyFloat64(1000000)) // "GBP 1,000,000"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyFloat64(-5000)) // "GBP (5,000)"
fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyFloat64(0)) // "GBP --"
FormatNumber is a base function of the library which formats a number with custom precision and separators.
FormatNumber supports various types of value by runtime reflection. If you don't need runtime type evaluation, please refer to FormatNumberInt, FormatNumberBigRat, or FormatNumberFloat64.
- supported value types : int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, float64, *big.Rat
fmt.Println(accounting.FormatNumber(123456789.213123, 3, ",", ".")) // "123,456,789.213"
fmt.Println(accounting.FormatNumber(1000000, 3, " ", ",")) // "1 000 000,000"
(>= Go 1.5)
FormatNumberBigFloat only supports *big.Float value. It is faster than FormatNumber, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
fmt.Println(accounting.FormatNumberBigFloat(big.NewFloat(123456789.213123), 3, ",", ".")) // "123,456,789.213"
FormatNumberInt only supports int value. It is faster than FormatNumber, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
fmt.Println(accounting.FormatNumberInt(123456789, 3, ",", ".")) // "123,456,789.000"
FormatNumberBigRat only supports *big.Rat value. It is faster than FormatNumber, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
fmt.Println(accounting.FormatNumberBigRat(big.NewRat(77777777, 3), 3, ",", ".")) // "25,925,925.667"
FormatNumberFloat64 only supports float64 value. It is faster than FormatNumber, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
fmt.Println(accounting.FormatNumberFloat64(123456789.213123, 3, ",", ".")) // "123,456,789.213"
FormatNumberDecimal only supports decimal.Decimal value. It is faster than FormatNumber, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
import ""
fmt.Println(accounting.FormatNumberBigDecimal(apd.New(apd.New(4999999, -3), 3, ",", ".")) // "4,999.999"
FormatNumberDecimal only supports apd.Decimal value. It is faster than FormatNumber, because it does not do any runtime type evaluation.
import ""
fmt.Println(accounting.FormatNumberDecimal(decimal.New(123456789.213123,3), 3, ",", ".")) // "123,456,789.213"
UnformatNumber is the inverse of FormatNumber. It strips out all currency formatting and returns the number with a point for the decimal seperator.
fmt.Println(accounting.UnformatNumber("$45,000.50", 2, "USD")) // "45000.50"
fmt.Println(accounting.UnformatNumber("EUR 12.500,3474", 3, "EUR")) // "12500.347"