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11ty Resume Template

This template can be used to create new resumes with 11ty.

See Demo


  • Fully Customizable
  • Semantic HTML
  • Theming with TailwindCSS (Dark/Light)
  • Accessible (WCAG AA)
  • Self-Contained (no external resources)
  • Search Engine Optimized (meta, JSON-LD, etc...)

Lighthouse Performance Scores

lighthouse performance scores



Getting Started

To install the necessary packages, run this command in the root folder of the site:

npm install


  • Run npm start for a development server and live reloading
  • Run npm run build to generate a production build

Deploy a fork of this template to Netlify:

Deploy to Netlify

Customize your Resume

To edit the content and design of your resume, follow these steps:

1. Author Details

Open src/data/author.json and edit the information describing yourself. The following properties are supported (optional properties can be removed from the JSON file):

Key Description Required
name your full name required
shortName Name initials (for logo area) required
org Organization required
image Profile picture URL required
title Job title required
currentFocus Text which shows on top section of the page required
location Your current location required
email your email address required
telephone telephone number (only being used in schema contact) required
website website URL required
connect[] Array of Objects holding social connect information required
connect[index].name Name of the social platform required
connect[index].icon svg icon file string required
connect[index].url Social profile URL required
skills[] Array of objects required
skills[index].type String based category required
skills[index].tools Array of skills required
skills[index].tools[index].language Type of language or framework/library required
skills[index].tools[index].icon svg icon file string optional
worksFor[] Holds list of working experiences optional
worksFor[index].companyName Company Name required
worksFor[index].title Your role required
worksFor[index].time_start Starting time of your role/job required
worksFor[index].time_end Ending time of your role/job (You can also use Present together with isCurrent attribute. required
worksFor[index].link Company URL required
worksFor[index].isCurrent If you are currently working here optional
hasCredential[] List of Certifications optional
hasCredential[index].org Organization provided the certificate required
hasCredential[index].certification Name of the certification required
hasCredential[index].year Year when you certified. required
hasCredential[index].link Link of your credentials required
hasCredential[index].technologies Technologies, or Used tech stack to delivery the project required
publishes[] Publications optional
publishes[index].title Title of your article/blog post or publication required
publishes[index].date published year/month or date required
publishes[index].link Link of your publication required
publishes[index].details Short summary of your publication required
alumniOf[] Your degree or schooling details optional
alumniOf[index].org Organization provided the certificate required
alumniOf[index].certification Name of the certification required
alumniOf[index].year_start Year when started the degree. required
alumniOf[index].year_end Completion year of degree. required
alumniOf[index].address Address of your institute of university. required

2. Recent Project Details

Open src/data/projects.json and edit the information describing your recent projects. The following properties are supported (optional properties can be removed from the JSON file):

Key Description Required
industry Type of domain of your project required
details Short summary of project required
role[] Array of Strings showcasing your role and responsibilities. required
status status of your project, example: live required
technologies Technologies, or Used tech stack to delivery the project required

3. Site details

Open src/data/site.json and edit the information describing your recent site level details, theme color, locale, etc. The following properties are supported (optional properties can be removed from the JSON file):

Key Description Required
name Website name required
url URL of your website required
Canonical In case you have another similar website, you can provide its URL optional
lang Language of your webpage (Eg. `en`) required
locale default locale (Eg. en_US) required
title Page title of your webpage optional
themeColor It will help in site.webmanifest file optional
backgroundColor It will help in site.webmanifest file optional


Inpired by Intro theme.