youtube downloader
I'm a fan of vtuber, but the vtuber I subscribe to always stream suddenly and then delete the stream So I made this to keep the flow going while I was sleeping! Oh btw, she is a Taiwan vtuber, here is the link
this work on win10 and need chrome!!
base on yt-dlp
need download ffmpeg to work
name | version |
pyqt | 5.15.7 |
beautifulsoup4 | 4.11.1 |
ffmpeg | 4.2.2 |
python | 3.7.13 |
yt-dlp | 2023.2.17 |
selenium | 3.141.0 |
webdriver_manager | 3.8.3 |
pyinstaller | 5.3 |
this is a python base win10/win11 app for monitor the youtube chennel you add
now you can:
- monitor channel and auto download
- member only download support(if you have chrome and is member)
- merge video and audio
- convert file to video:[ mkv / webm / mp4 / avi / flv / mov / ts ] audio:[ ogg / mp3 ]
- 監控頻道並自動下載
- 會員頻道下載支持(如果你有在chrome上登錄會員)
- 可以將音軌與影片合併
- 可以將檔案轉換為 影片:[ mkv / webm / mp4 / avi / flv / mov / ts ] 音軌:[ ogg / mp3 ]
use cmd and execute the command(在環境下cmd使用以下指令)
pyinstaller --name=YTD --icon=icon.ico --upx-exclude=vcruntime140.dll --noconfirm --hidden-import=Cryptodome --hidden-import=mutagen --hidden-import=brotli --hidden-import=certifi --hidden-import=websockets --collect-submodules=websockets --exclude-module=youtube_dl --exclude-module=youtube_dlc --exclude-module=test --exclude-module=ytdlp_plugins --exclude-module=devscripts -w .\
download ffmpeg and unzip it in ./dist/YTD/ (下載ffmpeg 並且解壓縮在路徑 ./dist/YTD/ )
download will save 3 file , the description and the thumbnail(下載會同時載3種檔案,影片描述跟略縮圖):
- audio only(音軌)+description(影片描述)+thumbnail(略縮圖)
- video only(視訊))+description(影片描述)+thumbnail(略縮圖)
- video+audio(影片))+description(影片描述)+thumbnail(略縮圖)
and if stream start download it 0% download is normal,because no end time so can't get %(如果下載直播保持0%是正常的,因為無法得知直播結束時間做計算)
after the stream download finish it need some time to merge,some computer can't merge so you can also use other editor to merge the audio only and video only (在下載直播結束後影片需要時間做影音合併,有些電腦無法完成合併可以使用其他影音編輯器合併音軌與視訊)