Official Compound repository now available:
You should use this for reference and best practices.
Example repository to hold and calculate earnings for accounts depositing erc20 tokens into compound via a proxy smart contract. Helpful for stake-to-play, stake-to-buy, stake-to-etc.. dapps.
- Source code of Compound v2
- Deposit and withdraw ERC20 tokens at any time
- Track compound earnings generated by each account
- Owner can redeem those earnings at any time (right now 100%)
- Tests
- Coverage
npm run compile
Will delete truffle build folder and re-compile your existing contracts.
npm run test
Will delete truffle build folder and execute all tests found in test/ folder.
npm run coveage
Same as test but will do a code coverage report.
Please refer to commitizen's & standard version in order to understand how to properly use it.