REST http API module wrapper around the user library larvituser
npm i larvituser-api
In the file index.js:
const UserApi = require('larvituser-api'),
db = require('larvitdb');
let userApi;
db.setup({'db': 'options'}); // See for details
userApi = new UserApi({
'db': db, // Must be a configured database instance
'appOptions': {}, // Will be passed directly to larvitbase. For more info see:
'intercom': undefined, // Or instance of larvitamintercom. For more info see:
'mode': undefined, // DataWriter mode, see larvituser for more info:
userApi.start(function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('API up and running!');
Then just start the file from shell:
node index.js
200 OK
{"someRole": "some regex string"},
{"someRole": "another regex string for the same role"},
{"anotherRole": "with some othe regex string"}
Create or replace one or more role rights. If a role already exists it will be replaced. If it did not exist, it will be created.
{"someRole": "some regex string"},
{"anotherRole": "with some othe regex string"}
204 No Content
Delete one or more roles rights by role and regex string.
{"firstRoleToBeRemoved": "firstRolesRegex"},
{"secondRoleToBeRemoved": "secondRolesRegex"}
204 No Content
Fetch a specific user
One, and exactly one of the following is allowed:
- uuid: "uuid string"
- username: "string"
200 OK
"uuid": "uuid string",
"username": "string",
"fields": {
"fieldName1": ["field value 1", "field value 2"],
"some other field": ["other fields value"]
404 Not Found
"no matching user found"
Obtain a user by username and password. Do not use this if your connection is not secure!
"username": "string",
"password": "string"
200 OK
"uuid": "uuid string",
"username": "string",
"fields": {
"fieldName1": ["field value 1", "field value 2"],
"some other field": ["other fields value"]
404 Not Found
"no matching user found"
Create or replace a specific user, defined by uuid.
Some considerations:
- uuid URL parameter is optional. If left out a new user will be created.
- username, password and fields are all optional if the user already exists. If user does not exist, username is required.
- if fields is provided, it will completely replace all previous fields (if this is not desired, use PATCH instead)
- password: false is NOT the same as password: undefined! A false password will disable logins. undefined password will leave it as is (default is false for newly created users)
"uuid": "uuid string", // If left out a new user will be created and a random uuid given to it
"username": "foo",
"password": "bar" or false,
"fields": {
"name": "Bosse",
"lastname": "Bengtsson"
200 OK
"uuid": "uuid string",
"username": "foo",
"fields": {
"name": ["Bosse"],
"lastname": ["Bengtsson"]
Modify an existing user
Some considerations:
- uuid must be provided.
- username, password and fields are all optional
- If fields are present, only the named fields will be replaced. For example: if The above is saved, another update with {"fields": {"lastname": "Stark"}} would end in the saved fields as: {"fields": {"firstname": "Ove", "lastname": "Stark"}}
- password: false is NOT the same as password: undefined! A false password will disable logins. undefined password will leave it as is (default is false for newly created users)
"uuid": "uuid string",
"username": "foo",
"password": "bar" or false,
"fields": {
"name": "Bosse",
"lastname": "Bengtsson"
200 OK
"uuid": "uuid string",
"username": "foo",
"fields": {
"name": ["Bosse"],
"lastname": ["Bengtsson"]
Remove a user from the database
"uuid": "uuid string"
200 OK
Fetch a list of users.
This is all optional, will only fetch users that matches all criterias.
- q: "search the database, matching username, field values and/or exact match of uuid",
- limit: "integer - how many results to retrieve, defaults to 100",
- offset: "integer - how many initial results to skip",
- uuids: "comma separated list of uuids",
- returnFields: "comma separated list of field names. Will return the values for the fields listed. By default no fields are returned (since return fields is expensive)
- orderBy "string - Field to order in, selected field must also be included in returnFields"
- orderDirection "string - 'asc' or 'desc', 'asc' is default if not defined"
200 OK
"totalHits": 392,
"hits": [
"uuid": "uuid string",
"username": "bosse",
"fields": {
"field1": ["field value 1"]
"uuid": "uuid string",
"username": "bengan",
"fields": {
"field1": ["foo"],
"field": ["bar"]