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Middleware to parse requests. Forms, query strings, file uploads.


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Request parser middleware

Middleware for larvitbase or express to handle parsing url, forms and file uploads. This is just a wrapper for the following libraries:

As a little bonus, it is also setting a request uuid to identify every request in logs etc.


npm i --save larvitreqparser



Usage with larvitbase

const App = require('larvitbase');
const ReqParser = require('larvitreqparser');
const reqParser = new ReqParser({
	'fs': require('fs-extra'), // Needs some extra functions from fs-extra
	'log': new (require('larvitutils').Log(), // Compatible with the winston logging library
	'storage': 'memory', // Default. Options: 'memory' or a file path, for example '/tmp'.
	'busboyOptions': {} // Custom busboy options, see for options

new App({
	'httpOptions': 8001,
	'middleware': [
		reqParser.parse.bind(reqParser), // We must bind() the context or we'll lose it
		function (req, res) {
			// Now the following properties is populated depending on the request type:

			// req.urlParsed - URL parsed by require('url').parse()

			// Will be populated when a HTML form is posted either as multipart or as default html form.
			// req.formFields

			// Will be populated when a HTML multipart form is posted with files
			// !!! NOT when sending just a single file as body, that will only populate req.rawBody (see below)
			// req.formFiles[fieldName].filename
			// req.formFiles[fieldName].mimetype
			// req.formFiles[fieldName].encoding

			// If storage === 'memory'
			// req.rawBody
			// req.formFiles[fieldName].buffer (Only when multipart form is posted)

			// If storage is path on disk
			// req.rawBodyPath
			// req.formFiles[fieldName].path (Only when multipart form is posted)

			res.end('Hello world');

Cleanup when not using memory

When not using memory, files are stored on disk. They must be manually removed or they will just fill up infinitly!

const App = require('larvitbase');
const ReqParser = require('larvitreqparser');
const reqParser = new ReqParser({
	'storage': '/tmp'
const fs = require('fs');

new App({
	'httpOptions': 8001,
	'middleware': [
		function (req, res, cb) {
			res.end('Hello world');

If a file should not be cleaned up for some reason a flag can be set on the formFile object to indicate manual cleanup:

function middleware(req, res, cb) {
	req.formFiles.myFile.manualCleanup = true; // Tell larvitreqparser clean function not to remove the file

	doSomethingAsyncWithTheFile(req.formFiles.myFile, function() {
		// Manually remove the file when we are done with it

	cb(); // We continue before async work on the file is completed


  • 0.4.7 - Added simplest possible declaration file for package to work with typescript


Middleware to parse requests. Forms, query strings, file uploads.







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