larvitconf is configuration loading library that take options and load json files in to a json object.
let options = {
'requiredFiles': [
'configFolder': '/srv/application/config/', // Optional
'envOverride': true // Optional, defaults to false
const config = await configLib.loadConfigs(options); // throws on error
Code above returns a json object that look like this.
configs: {
configFile1: {},
subFolder: {
configFile2: {},
subFolder2: {
configFile3: {}
configFolder: '/srv/application/config/'
"configFolder" is optional and if not specified the lib will look in the folder where the process is run and in it's subfolder "config/"
Values in configuration files can be overridden by using environmental variables. The value should be valid json.
The following format is expected (note the double underscore separator): <key1.2>=
For instance, a config file example.json
"key1": "value",
"nested": {
"object": [12, 13]
can be overridden by the following environmental variables:
example__key1="new value"
- config can now be overrided with environmental variables
- required_files => requiredFiles
- config_folder => configFolder
- Upped lib versions
- Return promise instead of taking callback