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Releases: larrylart/Unimap

Version 0.0.4 pre-alpha

23 Jan 22:24
Choose a tag to compare

Version 0.0.4 pre-alpha

Version 0.0.3 pre-alpha

23 Jan 22:12
Choose a tag to compare

Version 0.0.3 pre-alpha

Bugs Fixed in version 0.0.3:

  • image properties mag range display
  • object properties image display
  • fix crash timeouts on online connect
  • check for updates engine
  • added wia2 compatibility check for windows vista/7
  • directshow check for video cameras installed on windows vista/7
  • fixed crash on deleted image

Version 0.0.2 pre-alpha

23 Jan 21:59
Choose a tag to compare

Version 0.0.2 pre-alpha

New Features in version 0.0.2:

  • New interactive mode to show labels on mouse over
  • New engine to organize labels
  • Effective focal length for current view/image in the measument window
  • when set hint/instrument(telescope/camera) set main image properties as well
  • import fits data in custom image property
  • save fits header and use data from image property if not set
  • add a popup window if no match at the end to tell the user what he might need to try to get a match, also calculate average catalog stars to tell if enough
  • better list of common star names
  • create map from tycho to star common names
  • add tycho2 extension 1 and 2 to the remote query
  • add basic check for updates and add at statup and popup dialog if so

Bugs Fixed in version 0.0.2:

  • hint selection by common name
  • fixed 2MASS display label error
  • on save - no resize is done
  • add valdation to hint catalog numbers
  • in UMA sample image the sky grid is corrupted
  • application crash when using Group -> Match
  • group match doesn't show catalog
  • remove duplicate code for matching group/image
  • If you process and save one image with "Sky Grid Lines" enabled, and then process a second image, the button remains selected, but the grid does not appear. You have to turn it off and back on to get the grid displayed.
  • check errors in search spiral
  • on select slect image item (first) i get error ... should skip
  • The declination box appears to accept values like -00:29:30 but when you save it and return it changes to +00:29:30
  • menu->view->objects - hide all doesn't work
  • error it has produced for me so far is that it will not open fit files. Either 16 or 32 bit. WARNING :: Caught Exiv2 exception =13448212 (Build 0.301)
  • cannot enumarate files in c:\program files\registax4 - the file name or syntax label is incorrect
  • add method init astro image to call on free as well
  • object details in UMA or SAO in m8182 it doesn't load reference text - clean old bib codes
  • I also noted that image resizing does not seem to work when using "File/Save Image" and resetting a new size.