MVC for building web server using lark.js
A manager for MVC design.
- see
in source code
First define mvc and some module, then dispatch works.
const MVC = require('lark-mvc');
const mvc = new MVC(); // using default configs
Define a Page class inherits from mvc.Page
as an controller
class ShowIntroduction extends mvc.Page {
async main(ctx, next) {
const person = new this.mvc.Data.Person('Sun Haohao');
ctx.body = await this.mvc.View.render(person);
await next();
Define a Data Person
as model
class Person extends mvc.Data {
constructor(name) {
super(); = name;
async introduction() {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(`Hello, I am ${}`), 1000));
Define a view
class MyView extends mvc.View {
async render(person) {
return await person.introduction();
Register them
const app = new Koa();
const mvc = new LarkMVC();
app.use(async (...args) => {
const showIntroduction = new ShowIntroduction();
await showIntroduction.main(...args);
In most case we don't register modules one by one manually. We can use loader to load all modules, like this
const loader = require('lark-autoloader');
const app = new Koa();
const mvc = new LarkMVC();
const loader = new LarkAutoLoader(mvc, (filePath, keys) => {
mvc.use(require(filePath), { name: keys.join('/') });
await loader.load('path/to/my/module');