These instructions are primarily aimed at those who are internal to the groups involved in maintaining recount and Snaptron, not for most external users. If you are an external user (not in that group), please start with:
This phase of Monorail has two parts (2 Snakemake files) which both aggregate across the per-sample outputs produced by the eariler, recount-pump
workflow phase of Monorail:
- base coverage summed for exons and genes based on a set of annotations (
) - junnction split-read counts (
Gene and exon level counts are produced as full matrices per annotation, per study (if running on an SRA tranche of multiple studies and with multiple annotations, e.g. GencodeV26 & GencodeM23). These can be used directly with/in recount3.
Junctions are also produced per-study for recount3.
But junctions are additionally produced for the Snaptron format, i.e. multiple studies are kept in the same Snaptron compilation if doing SRA, also the annotations used to mark junctions as annotated (or novel) is a separate, and typically larger set, than the annotations used in the gene/exon counts.
The recount-unify Docker image:
Alternatively, you can install/build the following dependencies:
is needed for running unifying workflowpython3
is used to run the main Snakemake workflow (thoughpython2
will probably work)pypy
(for python 2.7) is needed for certain steps within the workflow (jx merging and annotating)zstd
is needed for decompressingrecount-pump
is needed for compressing final outputs- a wrapper shell script around
in PATH which maps topigz --stdout -p2 -d
is needed for compressing final, Snaptron-ready outputs (htslib >=1.9)tabix
same asbgzip
but can be ~any version of htslibsqlite3
same reason as forbgzip/tabix
- Python 2.7 with PyLucene 6.5.0 installed (optional, only needed if building Lucene indexes for Snaptron)
- Custom supporting utility binaries need to be built ahead of time in
, andrejoin/
; cd into each and runmake all
, this requires a modern enough C++ compiler supporting C++11
Also, the following files/information are needed to run the unifier, but are specific to your project:
- a tab-delimited file of the project study(s) and sample/run ids used in the
run (e.g.project1.tsv
below) - compilation ID for your project that doesn't collide with existing recount3/Snaptron2 compilations IDs (
) - number of samples/runs in the project (
below, should be exactly the set of runs/samples which successfully ran throughrecount-pump
The following are more generic files used across projects sharing the same reference genome (e.g. hg38
, or grcm38
) and set of annotations, e.g. G026,G029,R109,ERCC,SIRV,F006
needed for the gene/exon sums part:
- set of annotation short names used (e.g.
) - disjoint exon-to-gene mapping file (e.g.
) - disjoint exon-to-annotated exon mapping file (e.g.
) - final gene disjoint-to-annotation mapping file (e.g.
) - exon annotation split mapping file
- coordinates for exon annotation split mapping file
- the list of annotated exon intervals used in the
run (e.g.exons.bed.w_header.gz
) this file has to be be exactly the same order as the exon sums that's produced bybamcount
as part ofrecount-pump
- list of 0's for efficient placeholder for samples w/o any exon sums (
), this should be the same length as the list of annotated exon intervals file (sans header line)
The following files are specifically needed only for the junction aggregation part:
- a list of annotated junctions (e.g.
) - genome reference chromosome sizes file (e.g.
) - genome reference chromosome FASTA file (e.g.
), which needs to be exactly the same as what's used inrecount-pump
, available from The chromosome names need to exactly match what's in genome reference chromosome sizes file above, or this file should be regenerated based on the FASTA file. The genome FASTA and sizes are only needed for generating the dinucleotide splice site motifs for the junctions since STAR does not report the non-canonical splice motifs.
With the exception of the genome FASTA file, the rest of these files can all be downloaded from for recount3 human & mouse projects. They can also be obtained from
While the rest of the sections break out individual steps, there is a overall "runner" script,
in the root of the repo, which you can use to run every step of the unifier for a specific tranche/compilation (e.g. srav3_human1, srav1_mouse7, gtex, or tcga). This does not include cross-tranche merging (see below for the separate command for doing that for junctions).
Example of a
run on the supplemental ASCOT mouse tranche one of the IDIES elephant machines:
/bin/bash /home/cwilks3/langmead/recount-unify/ 52 13865 40 /scratch/ceph/langmead/checked/mouse/srav1m_ascot sra_mouse_v1_ascot /home/cwilks3/langmead/checked/mouse/srav1m_ascot/tranche_ascot.txt.actual grcm38 "M023,ERCC,SIRV" /home/cwilks3/langmead/monorail-external/refs > 2>&1
Potential gotcha in the command above, the /home/cwilks3/langmead/checked/mouse/srav1m_ascot/tranche_ascot.txt.actual
file MUST have a header line!
While the Snakemake files do most of the heavy lifting, there are a number of separate steps which are still outside the Snakemake workflows.
This step assumes that all checking/filtering of recount-pump
output has already been done previously.
First, you need to setup the unifier working subdirectory (of the unifier github checkout):
cd project1
python ../sample_ids/ --accessions-file project1.tsv --compilation-code <compilation_code> > project1.ids.tsv
Where <compilation_code>
(a.k.a. compilation_id
) needs to checked against the list of existing recount3/Snaptron2 compilations so it doesn't collide,
For the exact format for project1.tsv
, please see the Unifier instructions in:
in any case it MUST have a header line!
Then, you need to create symlinks from the output of recount-pump
(assumes the same filesystem):
/bin/bash -x ../scripts/ /path/to/project_recount-pump_output links project_recount-pump_file_prefix
An example for an human SRA tranche (5) on the IDIES systems:
/bin/bash -x ../scripts/ /full/path/to/langmead/sra_human_v3_5 links sra_human_v3
Finally, a reference-version specific file named blank_exon_sums
needs to be in the working directory of the unifier.
This can be symlinked/copied from the directory where the refs/backing files were downloaded to (see Dependencies section).
Due to the critical nature of this part for the proper running of the unifier, this get its own section.
The scripts/
script mentioned in the previous section should organize the symlinks to the original recount-pump output directories correctly, however, it's worth checking given that the rest of the Unifier is critically sensitive to how the links are organized.
For example, if you find that you're getting blanks instead of actual integers in the all.exon_bw_count.pasted.gz
file, it's likely a sign that the input directory hierarchy was not laid out correctly.
Assuming your top level directory for input is called links
, the expected directory hierarchy for each sequencing run/sample is:
where sra_human_v3_41_in26354_att2
is the symlink to the actual recount-pump generated attempt director for run SRR797083
in study SRP019994
and run_loworder
are always the last 2 characters of the study and run accessions/IDs respectively.
Please see for details on outputs.
An semi-generic example of the unifier snakemake command for aggregatig gene and exon sums for a human SRA tranche:
snakemake -j <#_threads> --stats ./stats.json --snakefile ../Snakefile -p --config input=links staging=unified sample_ids_file=project1.ids.tsv annotated_sjs=/path/to/annotated_junctions.tsv.gz existing_sums=/path/to/exons.bed.w_header.gz compilation=sra gene_rejoin_mapping=/path/to/G029.G026.R109.F006.20190220.gtf.disjoint2exons2genes.bed exon_rejoin_mapping=/path/to/G029.G026.R109.F006.20190220.gtf.disjoint2exons.bed recount_pump_output=NOT_USED gene_mapping_final=/path/to/G029.G026.R109.F006.20190220.gtf.disjoint2exons2genes.rejoin_genes.bed exon_bitmasks=/path/to/srav3h.exon_counts.bitmasks.tsv exon_bitmasks_coords=/path/to/srav3h.exon_counts.bitmasks.coords annotation_list=G026,G029,R109,F006,ERCC,SIRV num_samples=<#samples> num_exons=<#exons>
is the directory created in the prep step above which contains the symlinks to to all of recount-pump's ourput files.
is a directory which will be created by the Snakemake workflow which contains intermediate files, once a run's final files have been produced and checked this directory can be removed.
It is imperaptive that the num_samples=<#samples>
be set to exactly the number of samples (sequencing runs) in the tranche/compilation/study being aggregated.
Similarly for num_exons=<#exons>
was 1709834 for human and 710078 for mouse
An semi-generic example of the unifier snakemake command for aggregating junction counts for a human SRA tranche:
snakemake -j <#_threads> --stats ./perstudy.jxs.stats.json --snakefile ../Snakefile.study_jxs -p --config input=links staging=unified_jxs annotated_sjs=/path/to/annotated_junctions.hg38.tsv.gz ref_sizes=/path/to/hg38.recount_pump.fa.new_sizes ref_fasta=/path/to/hg38.recount_pump.fa sample_ids_file=project1.ids.tsv compilation_id=<compilation_id> study_dir=junction_counts_per_study sample_original_metadata_file=project1.tsv build_sqlitedb=1 build_lucene=1
where you need to provide the compilation_id
used previously to generate the rail_id
s for this compilation (e.g. project1.ids.tsv
This will generate both the recount3 and Snaptron-ready junction matrices & indices, additionally it will generate Lucene indices for the samples.
For the Lucene indices, it's entirely based on whatever metadata was passed in via sample_original_metadata_file
(e.g. project1.tsv
This is typically run after the unifier has been run on the project/tranche (if you want it to include the intron sums) in the unifier working subdirectory of the project/tranche:
python3 ../log_qc/ --incoming-dir links --sample-mapping ids.tsv --intron-sums intron_counts_summed.tsv > qc.tsv 2> qc.err
These are useful stats, per-sample, for downstream analyses.
The super merge of junctions is primarily useful as an input to the srav3h and srav1m Snaptron compilations. But it can also be used to do other types of cross tranche/compilation merging of junctions (e.g. all human: sra + gtex + tcga).
merge/ <prefix> <set_of_annotated_jxs_file.gz> <compilation_id> <num_cpus_for_bgzip>
merge/ srav3_human annotated_junctions.hg38.tsv.gz 11 8
Will produce 3 final files for Snaptron:
here is srav3_human
which acts as the directory prefix for all the tranches, e.g. srav3_human5
is the 6th human tranche (starts from 0).
The script assumes it will be run in the parent directory where all of the tranches' output from recount-unify in appropriately named subdirectories using that prefix are present (e.g. srav3_human1
You will still need a set of Lucene indexes of your metadata before you have a minimally viable Snaptron compilation. See the last section in this document for details.
You will start with a tab-delimited file of sample metadata. This file needs to have as the first column the <rail_id>
generated as part of the unifier run above (typically in ids.tsv
or project1.ids.tsv
per tranche, which can be concatented together to form the full samples list for a super merge compilation).
A useable samples.tsv
file can be as simple as a list of:
or can have hundreds of columns (e.g. TCGA).
It must also have a header, e.g. rail_id<TAB>external_id
Once you have a samples.tsv
file you're happy with:
snaptron/deploy/ samples.tsv all
in the same directory where the relevant junctions.bgz
is located.
NOTE: the Lucene builder script requires that PyLucene 6.5.0 be installed in the python2.7 instance in PATH.
Gene, exon, and base-level Snaptron databases & indexes are not required for a minimally viable Snaptron server and are not covered here.