Corpus.js is a Javascript framework written entirely in CoffeeScript that makes it easy to develop large client side web applications without too much overhead.
- Light-weight URL Routing. (Does not support hashbang urls.. yet)
- Modular views
- Conventions for maintaining views
- Models for persisting state
- Model bindings
- Written entirely in coffeescript
- Currently developed with a RESTful ruby on rails backend in mind, but can be expanded for others.
- Lighter weight than sproutcore
- More modular than backbone (you can just take the model pieces if you want and ignore the controller/routes)
- Doesn't have a view object like backbone, but merely enforces a sane and simple convention
- Models have association support within a request. (backbone lacks this)
- Models can bind to the changes events of form fields (backbone lacks this)
- Written entirely in coffeescript. Most of the big client side microframeworks are written in javascript
- JQuery 1.4+ (
- Underscore (
- JSON2 (
You can choose to use corpus routing or not. Presently it's only purpose is to load specific views/models when a specific page is loaded. This is helpful for consolidating behavior per page rather than having all of your JQuery selectors running on every page.
$ ->
# Only runs the PostView.Form view when the /posts/new or /posts/:id/edit urls are requested
_.each ["/posts/new", "/posts/:id/edit"], (route) ->
$.R route, (id) ->
post = new Post()
new PostView.Form(post)
# Only runs the PostView.Index view when the /posts url is requested
$.R "/posts", -> new PostView.Index(post)
To maintain state in the browser, Corpus provides a light-weight model layer that is similar to the popular server-side framework Ruby on Rails. Some of the features it provides are:
- Key, value attributes management (managed attribute changes too)
- Record UID's as well as database ID management
- Associations
- Persistence with a RESTful backend
- Event system
- Collections
this.Post = Model "post"
Post.hasMany "comments"
Post.hasOne "user"
_.extend Post.prototype,
initialize: (attributes) ->
this.bind "save:before", this.onBeforeSave
onBeforeSave: ->
# do something
createdAt: ->
authorName: ->
this.Comment = Model "comment"
This allows you to do the following:
post = new Post
post.set("body", "Lorem ipsum...")
comment = new Comment(body: "Some Comment")
post.comments.add comment
# Do whatever
# Validation errors
The json will look like:
body: "Lorem Ipsum",
comments: [
body: "Lorem Ipsum"
post.comments.bind "add", ->
# Will run code after a comment is added to the collection
post.comments.bind "refresh", ->
# Will run code after the collection is changed
post.bind "change", ->
# Will run when any of the attributes on a post have changed
# Will automatically bind change events from fields in this form and update the post record.
# Works with associations too!
post.bindTo "#post_form"
There is no special constant/class to extend for views. We merely use a convention at this point. In the future we may offer a constant/class you can extend for additional assistance but for now, the convention we've adopted has worked pretty well.
this.PostView.Form = (post) ->
view = this
$("#post_form").submit ->
self = this
success: (respPost) ->
if post.isNew
post = respPost
if $(self).data("redirect")
document.location.href = $(self).data("redirect")
$(self).trigger "saved"
error: (post) ->
$("#error_explanation ul").html("")
messages = _.each post.errors(), (message, value) ->
$("#error_explanation ul").append("<li>" + value + " " + message + "</li>");
If you're using jammit with barista, you should use something like this:
app/coffeescripts/controllers/ # all of your controllers go here
app/coffeescripts/models/ # all of your models go here
app/coffeescripts/views/*/** # all of your views go here
app/coffeescripts/vendor/ # all of your vendor files go in here. If you use only for example, you can stick that file here.
app/coffeescripts/lib/ # all if your library files like go here
If you're using barista, this should generate each of the above directories inside of public/javascripts/.
app/assets/javascripts/controllers/ # all of your controllers go here
app/assets/javascripts/models/ # all of your models go here
app/assets/javascripts/views/*/** # all of your views go here
app/assets/javascripts/vendor/ # all of your vendor files like and go here
app/assets/javascripts/lib/ # all if your library files like go here