RBMposPro is a C++ software to extract time series at individual cells, time series of grid domain, time series of individual reaches and to estimate multi-annual averages and monthly averages from RBM .Temp and and .Spat output files. The model extracts information for each of the variables recorded in .Temp file. RBMposPro output files can be easily plotted for posterior analysis.
- /lib: Contains RBMtools.h and RBMtools.cpp.
- /src: Contains main.cpp. This file calls files in /lib
- /plot: Contains Python scripts to plot output files. In construction 👷
- /test: Contains an example of RBMposPro.in
- makefile: Make file to compile/clean code.
- e.g.
./RBMposPro test/RBMposPro.in
RBM read the file RBMposPro.in, which contain:
- Line 1: Comment
- Line 2: RBM study case directory. It must contain RBM output files.
- Line 3: Comment
- Line 4: Study case name
- Line 5: Comment
- Line 6: Directory where outputs are saved.
- Line 7: Comment
- Line 8: Variable name to be extracted. It can be:[T_0, T_head, dbt, Q_in]
- Line 9: Comment
- Line 10: Extract time series at cells? if = 1 extract them if not it does not.
- Line 11: Comment
- Line 12: Extract time series of fields? if = 1 extract them if not it does not.
- Line 13: Comment
- Line 14: Extract time series of reaches? if = 1 extract them if not it does not.
- Line 15: Comment
- Line 16: Estimate month averages? if = 1 extract them if not it does not.
- Line 17: Comment
- Line 18: Estimate multi-annual averages? if = 1 extract them if not it does not.
- Line 19: Comment
- Line 20: Starting date (YYYY MM DD) to begin the extraction.
- Line 21: Comment
- Line 22: End date (YYYY MM DD) to terminate the extraction.
- Line 23: Comment
- Line 24: Number of grid cells to be extracted
- Line : Latitude longitude
- Line : .
- Line : .
- Line : .
- Line n : Latitude longitude
- Line : Comment
- Line : Number of reaches where to extract information
- Line : Comment
- Line : Index of reach (see column reach_ind in .Spat file)
- Line : .
- Line : .
- Line : .
- Line : Index of reach (see column reach_ind in .Spat file)
The model produce the following type of files:
- lat.csv: Matrix of latitudes of the grid cells
- lon.csv: Matrix of longitudes of the grid cells
- T_0_MONTH.csv: Matrix with averages for month MONTH. Averages are estimated for completed months.
- T_0_pointN.csv: Daily time series (DATE VALUE) of the chosen variable at point N. N correspond to the row of LAT LON pair, so for example T_0_point1.csv contains the time series of the first LAT LON pair, T_0_point2.csv of the second pair and so on.
- T_0_fields.csv: Daily matrices of the chosen variable.
- T_0_YEAR.csv: Annual averages of the chosen variable for the year YEAR. This is only estimated for completed years.