- 📕 I’m currently pursuing Computer Engineering from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala. (Batch of 2022)
- 📈 I’m currently exploring the field of Machine Learning and building a few projects based on ML.
- 📑 I have also started with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript recently.
- 💬 Ask me about C, C++, Python, Machine Learning Algorithms, UG Coursework (CN, OS, OOPS, DBMS) and Front-End Web Development.
- âš¡ Fun fact I am a Graphic Designing Enthusiast as well as a Photo/Videographer.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- Face Recognition Using CNN and Triplet Loss
- TIET Marketplace - An Online Buy and Sell Portal
- Amazon Recommendation Engine
- Face Recognition Using KNN and Haarcascade Classifier
- Face Filters Using OpenCV
- Comparitive Study on Sentiment Analysis Algorithms
- Handwritten Digit Recognition Using KNN
- Dominant Color Extraction Using KMeans
- Diabetes Classification Using KNN
- Chemical Segregation Using Logistic Regression
- Air Pollution Prediction Using Linear Regression