The Library Management System is a comprehensive software solution designed to automate and streamline the management of a library. It provides different user roles with specific features and functionalities to efficiently handle various library operations.
The Library Management System supports the following user roles:
- Admin: Responsible for managing librarians and assistant librarians.
- Registrar: Responsible for managing students.
- Librarian: Responsible for managing books.
- Assistant Librarian: Responsible for handling pending book requests and book returns.
- Student: Registered users who can search and request books.
- Manage Librarians: Admins can add, view, update, delete, and search librarians in the system.
- Manage Assistant Librarians: Admins have the ability to add, view, update, delete, and search assistant librarians.
- Manage Students: Registrars can add, view, update, delete, and search student profiles in the system.
- Manage Books: Librarians can add, view, update, delete, and search books in the library collection.
- Handle Pending Requests: Assistant librarians can view, search, issue, and cancel pending book requests.
- Manage Issued Books: Assistant librarians can view, search, and handle book returns.
- Search Books: Students can search for books available in the library.
- Request Books: Students can request books they want to borrow from the library.
The Library Management System is built using the following technologies:
- Java: The programming language used to develop the system.
- Swing: A Java GUI widget toolkit used for creating the graphical user interface of the application.
- MySQL: The chosen database management system for storing and retrieving data efficiently.
To set up the Library Management System, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Make sure you have Java and MySQL installed on your machine.
Import the provided database dump file (
) into your MySQL database. -
Update the database connection details in the Java source code, if necessary.
Compile and run the Java program to start the Library Management System.
Use the following login credentials to access different user roles:
- Username: admin
- Password: 1234
- Username: reg
- Password: 1234
- Username: lib
- Password: 1234
Assistant Librarian
- Username: assis
- Password: 1234
- Username: lahiru
- Password: 1234
- Username: ravindu
- Password: 1234
- Username: dinethi
- Password: 1234
Contributions to the Library Management System are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to the project, please follow these guidelines:
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch for your feature/bug fix.
Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages.
Push your branch to your forked repository.
Submit a pull request to the main repository, explaining the changes you've made.
For any inquiries or support regarding Library Management System, please reach out to the project maintainer:
- Name: Lahiru Dissanayake
- Email: [email protected]
Feel free to report any issues or suggest enhancements via the issue tracker.