A generic rate limiter, Useful for API clients, web crawling, or other tasks that need to be throttled...
This example is shown using Autofac since this is the go-to IoC for us.
builder.Register<IAuthorizationLimit>(c =>
new AuthorizationLimit(new MemoryStore(),
new StandardLimit(300, TimeSpan.FromHours(3)))
You can specifiy that a limiter should be used by the following
_limiter.Limit(() =>
You can also specify that a kown amount of call will be hit by the following
_limiter.Limit(2, () =>
You can aslo specify additional calls by the following
limiter.Limit(() =>
You can aslo use it asynchronous by the following
await limiter.LimitAsync(() => Task.CompletedTask);
This example is shown using Autofac since this is the go-to IoC for us.
builder.Register<ISomeLimit>(c =>
new AuthorizationLimit(new MongoStore(new MongoUrl(c.Resolve<IConfiguration>().GetConnectionString("MongoConnectionString")), "authorization.calls"),
new StandardLimit(300, TimeSpan.FromHours(3)))