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Gregoire Milliez edited this page Jul 10, 2017 · 34 revisions


When compiling toaster, I have an error: SDL library missing

If you have the error message: Could NOT find SDL (missing: SDL_LIBRARY SDL_INCLUDE_DIR)
it means you should install SDL library.

toaster_simu is using SDL to position entity with the keyboard. Please install SDL to proceed.

> sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev

You can also visit the sdl installation page.

Alternatively, if you don't wish to use toaster_simu you can just black list it in catkin when compiling:

> catkin_make -DCATKIN_BLACKLIST_PACKAGES="toaster_simu"

I have some errors while compiling toaster, * was not declared in this scope

Please update toaster-lib:

> cd myPath/toaster-lib
> git pull
> cd build
> make install

If you still have errors, please send a mail to the mailing list [email protected]

I'm using indigo and the 3d models in rviz are white.

This is an issue with the last version of rviz. A work around consist in installing hydro version.

> cd ${CATKIN_PATH}/src
> git clone -b hydro-devel
> cd ..
> catkin_make

When using agent_monitor, nothing happens.

It may be due to boost conflict. See this topic for details.

Two solutions are possible: use toaster-hydro branch of toaster or go in toaster/agent_monitor/src/main.cpp and comment lines:

ParamServer_t monitoring_dyn_param_srv;
monitoring_dyn_param_srv.setCallback(boost::bind(&dynParamCallback, _1, _2));

rosrun pdg pdg does not work (or other toaster nodes)

Verify that you exported $TOASTERLIB_DIR. Each time you login into new session you need to do this. For permanent solution just add export TOASTERLIB_DIR=your_install_prefix to .bashrc file. If you still encounter troubles, then go to catkin_ws/build and delete CMakeCache files and rebuild your project (catkin_make).